Class Updates

Indigenous Language Sessions with Mel Steffenson

Students have been enjoying learning local language during their lessons with Mel Steffenson. Mel has been to almost all of the classes, with only four remaining. Year 3/4 classes are learning the names of materials found in nature, such as leaves, rocks and soil, and then creating art pieces using those materials. The finished pieces look amazing!


Mel will also be coming to assembly on Friday 25th November to showcase what the students have been learning.

Artist - Lexi 3/4B a mouse on a skateboard

Artist - Eli 3/4B a turtle


Artist - Ethan 3/4B a caterpillar

Year 1B - Maths Enrichment @ Jamo

Each week some students from Years 2-6 take part in some additional maths sessions. These are to further enhance those students who already have a good understanding of the basics for their year level. They undertake a wide range of activities from discovering the number of different two-scoop ice creams that can be made with a particular number of flavors through to considering the additional money paid when repaying a loan with interest.

This week the Year 5 group made number estimation puzzles and shared them with Year 1B. This allowed the younger students to use their knowledge of number properties in an enjoyable way. A picture is presented and after an initial estimation of the number of items, clues are given to narrow the possibilities. At each step they had to explain and justify their thinking.


Here is an example to try at home:

Estimate the number of measuring tapes in the glass mug.

Now use the following clues, one at a time, to narrow the possible correct answers.

  • Clue 1: The red die offers a hint. Eliminate all numbers that contain the digit 3.
  • Clue 2: Eliminate all numbers in this counting pattern: 1, 3, 5, 7, ………
  • Clue 3: The answer is a two-digit number less than 40.
  • Clue 4: Eliminate any numbers that remain that can’t be linked to another by doubling. (6 possible answers remain)
  • Clue 5: If the digit in the ten’s place is larger than the digit in the one’s place, or if the digit in the ten’s place is half the digit in the one’s place eliminate it.

After all the clues you will have only 2 possible answers. Which will you choose as your final estimate and why?