Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation

Grow Cook Connect Professional Development Day at the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation

Last Friday Allesha and Miss Smith attended the Grow Cook Connect Professional Development Day at the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation in Melbourne.

It was a jam-packed day of all things kitchen and garden. 

Miss Smith learnt how to make a giant paella using freshly picked vegetables from the garden, among other delicious dishes.

Allesha learnt some very valuable tips on composting, maximising yield in small garden spaces and how each activity in the garden links to the curriculum. 


The shared meal was a great opportunity to meet, chat and connect with other SAKGP primary and secondary schools and early childhood learning centres. All schools and centres run the program at different capacities, so it was great to share our achievements and challenges with each other.

They have come back refreshed and motivated to make our Kitchen Garden Program the very best it can be for our students and community.