Principal Report
Dear families,
We are all looking forward to a well-earned holiday. The students have been great in Semester 1 as we have started to build the expectations we had as a system pre-pandemic, whilst managing illness at a level we have never had before in my time in a school. The resilience the students and staff have shown has been exceptional, as they have dealt with change after change in their day. I want to thank you as parents for the understanding and patience you have shown from afar. The stamina for learning, and the thrill to engage with learning, have been at the highest I have seen in this school since I started. The students who completed NAPLAN took those days in their stride. The work on their portfolio tasks that will come home this week has been excellent. One of the things I am proud of is the desire communally for the continuation of our programs. We have not cancelled any excursions, incursions or school-based programs despite the challenges we have faced since. Not one person has requested that we change. This is a credit to all involved.
On Friday we will host our last assembly for the Semester through 56M. In anticipation of Kofi starting African Drumming in term 3 with grades 3 to 6 he will be showcasing his exceptional talents with his team. Parents are most welcome. A slightly different timetable will run on Friday.
The timetable will look different but will still have 5 lessons, recess and lunch.
8:45am - Students start and roll marked
Session 1 - 8:50am - 9:30am (40 minutes)
Session 2 - 9:30am - 10:10am (40 minutes)
Recess - 10:10am - 10:40am (30 minutes)
Session 3 - 10:40am - 11:20am (40 minutes)
Session 4 - 11:20am - 12:00pm (40 minutes)
Lunch - 12:00pm - 12:45pm (45 minutes)
Session 5 - ASSEMBLY - 12:45pm - 1:30pm (45 minutes)
1:30pm - Finish and Dismissal.
Reports are due to be shared this week. We are aiming for Wednesday 22nd June at 4 pm. We will share if this has to be delayed to Thursday at 4 pm. The report you receive will accompany the physical portfolio that will come home with your child. The aim is to read the report in conjunction with the portfolio tasks that match the report. This will give you a better idea of where your child is with their learning growth.
Carole Thomas announced her retirement on 24th June. Carole has worked with dozens of families over the years and she will be missed greatly by students, staff and families. We wish her well in the future, after 26+ years linked to our school. What an amazing community contribution. Carole will be the focus of our assembly on Friday.
Three long-term ES positions have been advertised and two 6 month short term. Information will be shared next term when people have been appointed. We also have a family leave position advertised for 1MO. Mrs Oakley will continue to teach her grade until the 12th of August. Again we will share information next term.
Emily Murcott is on long service leave until mid-term 3 with Kate Warner supporting Emily’s Inclusion and Support role.
Llinos Poole will be on long service leave in term 3 and Brendan Van Haaster. We will be replacing them in terms 3 and 4.
School Laptop Program - Grade 3 and 4
Back in term 1, we discussed the option of inviting parents to purchase a laptop for use in grade 3 onwards. The School Council discussed several options at our latest meeting. We agreed the idea in principle is a good one to continue researching and they would like students to have the option to access better IT equipment than what we currently provide through school.
iPads are provided and have been recently updated for Prep to Grade 2 students. The laptops in grades 3 to 6 are shared between students. The age and the shared use do cause the students frustration. There are no plans or funds to update them.
Moving forward we will identify a suitable model, and a supplier, and run an information night early in term 3. There will be plans shared for how we manage the devices in school and how we support all families that wish to take up the option to have access regardless of their financial position.
New enterprise agreement for teachers and educational support staff - Professional Practice Days (PPDs)
As part of the new agreement, two additional days have been allocated to staff in 2022 for planning. One in term 3 and one in term 4. The change to PPDs to all staff being available on the same day last week, with students being at home, was new to us all.
Moving forward DET has asked that we run at least one of the two remaining days the same way. Their preference is that we close the school on both days to help ease the coverage of classes in school.
Last night I made the school council aware of this, and now I am sharing this with you as parents. There will be one more day this year of student-free days in addition to the curriculum days below. As a parent myself, I am mindful of the impact on parents when school is closed on these days. This is why we will not be taking both days.
Curriculum days
- Monday 22nd August – Misty Adoniou
- Thursday 27th October – Misty Adoniou
Professional Practice Days
- one student free day to be confirmed.
Looking ahead to Term 3 and 4 we have many fun events planned.
- African Drumming performance for Grade 3 to 6 students (Parents/Carers and Prep to 2 will be the audience)
- Camps for 34, 56 and an overnight stay at school for Grade 2
- Hoop Time
- Science Night
- Book week and a Book Parade
- ART show
- Carols
- Graduation!
I am looking forward to a more normal....normal, in term 3.
Have a safe and happy holiday.