It has been a busy term of learning and engagement in Discovery this term for our students from Years 3-6. Through their Inquiry unit on ‘Rights and Responsibilities’, we took the focus of renovating and stimulating the chickens as we have seven to look after now. A huge congratulations to all students for their engagement and eagerness to learn this term. It has been a lot of fun!! A big thank you to my dad, Joe for his help and knowledge about all things concrete and gardening to help us get some of our major projects completed. 


MLA students had the responsibility of running a naming competition on our new fluffy friends for students, staff and parents.  We had a great response and have shared the names to our school community through assemblies. They have also produced information posters that are hung around the coop to introduce Ash, Paris, Caramel, Emerald, Big Red, Oreo and Popcorn. The Chick-Inn sign is almost ready to be added to the outside of the coop which we are excited to see go up. 

Here is some of the data we collected:


I enjoyed looking at the data from the naming competition and creating it. I also enjoyed borrowing lots of books. I loved the name for the coop, ‘The Chick-Inn’. -Anthony D


I enjoyed naming the chickens because in my opinion it was fun to learn about their breads and as a bonus we got to name the coop. I also loved borrowing books because it is a good opportunity to learn how to express yourself. - Isabelle


The thing I liked best about Discovery is the posters because we got to write. -Domenico


I loved how we have been researching the chickens. I have learnt so much. Since we have been researching on our laptop I have learnt a lot and how to do more things on the laptop and now I think we are better at working together. - Harriet


I liked how we researched the chickens and looked at their personalities. I liked completing the form to vote for their names.  -Lacey and Levi


I liked learning about their personalities and giving information to the whole school about our chickens. -Stefano


I enjoyed the new books and voting for the chickens' names and coop. I really enjoyed the process with the chicken coop and new chickens. I hope we get more chickens or new things to work on outside. I hope we do it again. - Lara


Students this term in SLA have prepared the foundations of two new garden beds that have been installed ready for planting some winter and early spring vegetables and flowers. They have worked with Joe to install new anti-bird netting over the coop to protect from pigeons, other birds and diseases. A new dust bath has been established for the chickens to keep themselves clean. Finally, some pavers and a recycled brick path has been installed to keep our feet a little less muddy when checking on the chickens and collecting eggs. 





I loved how hands-on Discovery was this term, it was lots of fun to play with the chickens and help Rosa’s dad Joe. -George.


This term in discovery we have been renovating our chicken coop with the help of our dispositions. Each lesson there are groups of people who have an allocated job to do. I sanded chairs, filled up the new garden beds with clean soil and cleaned up the area surrounding the coop. It has been a great opportunity and it was really fun naming the new chickens and the new coop. Term 2 of discovery has been a real blast for me!Sienna T


This term in discovery we have collaborated amongst the different year levels to create a new and improved surroundings for our chickens. We have planned, demolished, built and created many things to make a safer home for our chickens. We have used our school dispositions amongst all students to make a happy working place between our peers. We have also had help from Rosa’s dad Joe, who has been an amazing addition of help this term. This has been my favourite term of discovery with Rosa as our teacher!  -Mia


This term discovery has been fun because we got to work in the chicken coop and work with the chickens. I also liked it because we got to work with all the tools at school. I really enjoyed this term. Thanks Rosa!!!      - Jonathan


Overall, I think that this is the best discovery term I ever had. It was fun, it was unique and most importantly learning gardening and fixing stuff. I hope we can continue doing this stuff in the future. -Rogen


I think that I had the most fun helping all the chickens and fixing the chicken coop. - Gavin


I really liked the times when we used tools to update the chicken coop, add a net to cover over the coop with Jo,  Rosa`s dad because I liked to make it more safe from birds and gems and I also enjoyed making the dust bath and minin house for the chickens. -Antonio



This term I have enjoyed discovery because I’ve liked being outside in a different environment and helping out in the chicken coop. I’ve learnt a lot more about the chickens and what their breeds and origins are.-Jaylah


This term in discovery I have had lots of fun working with people and helping out in the chicken coop and helping with the garden beds. I have had lots of fun helping Joe in the chicken coop and outside of the chicken coop. This has given me time to take care of the chickens and change up the chicken coop so it is much more fun for the chickens.This term I have enjoyed discovery a lot! - Ava


This term In the Library we have been learning about the responsibilities of the chickens. We have been going in the chicken coop and changing some things around like adding toys, a dust bath, a mirror, bells and netting to keep the pigeons out. The SLA’s have been gardening with garden beds and working outside with the chickens and learning about them and what they like to do. I think that Rosa has taught us a lot about the chickens and about our responsibilities. I think we have learned a lot from Rosa! We have learnt a lot this term and I think we all enjoyed working with Rosa outside.-Savannah