Years 3 and 4

MCG Excursion

MCG Excursion

By: Addison B

I loved the MCG excursion that we had for all the grade 3/4’s at our school, and you’re in for a treat because I’m going to tell you why I loved the excursion!

First of all, I’m pretty sure that we’ve all been to the MCG once and said to yourself “That was AWESOME” and so you wanted to go again, but I don’t think you’ve been the places in the MCG where I have. 

The first place we went to was, of course the train station! We were lucky enough that they had finished the new train station in time for us to go to the MCG on it! It was great, it was on the new rails as well, and I felt like I was floating on top of the clouds with how high we were up.

When we got to Richmond train station, we got off of the train and we walked down from the train station. We took 3 minutes to walk to the MCG and we sat down and ate some food, after that we waited a few minutes until we could go in. Eventually we were able to get in the MCG and we went to the games room which I never knew existed! 

Next to the game room there was a museum with everything from football to rugby and even cricket! We played in the game room for about 35 minutes then we went to the museum and it was so amazing! We finished up in that section and then we went to the entrance where our guide was (it was a 1 hour tour of the MCG).

We went on the ground and we went in the locker rooms as well, we even went to the room where after the game people interview the coach and other people.

After the tour was done, we went outside and we had our lunch, we also went to the park before we got back on the train at Richmond station. 

After we had a play we walked back to the train station and returned where we met (Hookey Park). 

We got ticked off as our parents came and we went home.  



By Kimi

On the 25th of May we went to the MCG and when we were there we had the most wonderful time ever the first thing the group I was in did was meet a lady from the Olympics and talk to her about some interesting things.

After all of that we went over to this games spot and played really fun activities.

Later on after the games we went to these little tablet looking things and saw all kinds of things on them.

Then we went on a massive 1 hour tour of the whole MCG and there was a tour guide taking us all over the MCG like the change rooms the tallest spot you could sit and watch at and even on the ground of were the footy teams play.

Then after the tour we went outside and ate our lunch then we went over to this really big grass place near the exit and had some time to play games or talk with each other then we left to go back to the train and get back to the train station and when we got back we went to the park to wait for our parents or family so we could go back home although every one else was going home with there parents I was going home with my friend but first we went to the library next door to were the park was to go to the toilet but I did not need to go so I just played on the 2 little tablets then we went home to my house so they could drop me off and was so tired that I fell asleep on the couch.