VCE News

As Term Two draws to a close, we congratulate all of our VCE students for their hard work in achieving their Unit 1 and Unit 3 passes. It has been fantastic to see so many of our VCE cohort maximising their ability to work on site at school to achieve some outstanding results.

Course Counselling

Year 11 into 12 Course Counselling will take place on Tuesday 19th July. We encourage all Year 11 students to discuss their preferred pathways with the careers counsellor over the coming weeks before signing off on their final decisions.

Mid-Year Exams

Week 7 of the term saw all Year 11 and 12 students sitting mid-year exams for each of their VCE subjects. While not contributing to their overall grades, the exams are the perfect opportunity for students to acclimatise themselves to the PAC where the end of year exams are held, as well as to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of key content learnt so far this year.


The exams also allow students to determine whether or not they require special provisions to assist them in sitting their final exams. If you believe that your student may require any additional supports, please contact either Dan Carlton (Year 12 Leader) or Robyn Andrews (Year 11 Leader).

Senior Sport

Well done to the senior boys netball team and their coach, Kaitlyn Karadeas, on making it through their recent division undefeated. They move on to play at Southern Metropolitan region in late July.


Another pair of successful teams were the senior badminton teams with both the girls and boys teams making it through to play at Southern Metropolitan region by going undefeated.

A huge congratulations to all teams and best of luck in the upcoming competitions.

Staff vs Student Events

The staff have pulled away to a 4-2 lead after the most recent Staff vs Student events!


While the trivia competition was hotly contested, with some inspired guesswork by both Mia Trood and Sakura Delantar, the staff led by Emma Sproule were able to run away victors across the five rounds of questions.


Volleyball was more of a one-sided affair, despite the best efforts of the student team led by Phoenix Brennan and Meg Bown. While there were some patches of brilliance Sam Latreille and Luke Worrall, nothing could match the power serving of Ms Neophytou, or the lumbering height provided by Mr Lojanica and Mr Wright.


Term Three will see the students provided with the opportunity to claw back the lead in netball, charades and football!



And finally, a very heartfelt farewell must be given to our Careers Counsellor Jackie Woods who is finishing up at the school at the end of this term. Jackie has been a phenomenal asset to McClelland College for the last twenty years, and will be sorely missed by students and staff alike. We wish Jackie all the best on her well-earnt retirement! Rachelle Vowells will be stepping into the role as Course Counsellor for the remainder of the year.