Faith and Mission

From the Mission Team
Be Seekers of Truth and Doers of Justice - Mary Ward
Being part of the Loreto network means that we have a strong focus and commitment to Social Justice. We are inspired by the many people in our Loreto community worldwide that supports those in need.
Connecting with our wider network
As part of Stage 2 Spiritualities Religion and Meaning, our Year 12 students have been learning about the many projects supported by Mary Ward International Australia. Most importantly, they are exploring and learning about the charism that drives this critical and much-needed work.
The students were given the task of choosing one of the many projects that have been supported by MWIA. Students researched why the chosen project was essential, they were then asked to create an awareness raising or fund-raising event in support of this project.
The year 12 students rose to the challenge and created an array of items for the Baby Milk Project in Zambia, the Under-five Nutrition and Support Program in South Sudan, and the Ethical Enterprises Project for young women in India, to name but a few. Below is a selection of the creative ways in which the various projects were brought to the attention of our school community.
You can read more about the work of Mary Ward International and the various projects here: Projects | By Country - Mary Ward International Australia (
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Reconciliation Week
Reconciliation Week is an essential aspect of school life at Loreto College. This year's theme was 'Be Brave, make Change". The week highlighted that reconciliation is everyone's business and should continue to be after Reconciliation Week is over. This Reconciliation Week was recognised with a variety of activities across the college. The start of Reconciliation week was marked by a College Liturgy and Senior school assembly. Trees were wrapped with the colours of the Aboriginal flag along Talbot grove. A sea of hands was on display, with statements from our community on how we can commit to reconciliation. Throughout the week, ribbons, ice cream, and doughnuts were sold to raise some much-needed funds for the Mary Ward International Australia’s project in Western Australia, The Pirawa Op shop and Enterprise Hub. You can read more about the work of Mary Ward International and The Pirawa Op shop and Enterprise Hub here: MWIA Making a difference in Australia
Project Compassion
Thank you to all of you who generously contributed to the Project Compassion fundraising boxes in Term 1. Our total collected from the boxes was $2,159. To read many inspiring stories of transformation see this link: Project Compassion (
Vinnies Winter Appeal
The Junior School's current focus is on the Vinnies Winter Appeal. We thank all families for the fantastic response so far. The collection in the front office area is growing. So far, we have collected non-perishable food items, and this week we began a drive for blankets and warm clothes. This drive finishes next Friday. We are most grateful to everyone who is sending in donations for the Vinnies winter appeal to support the many people who need our support during the winter months.
Sacramental Program
Preparations are underway for the Sacraments of the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Confirmation which will take place at St Ignatius Parish Church later this month. This week we held the Parent information evening. Fr Chris Jenkins spoke to parents about a simple yet powerful understanding of the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. We wish all families well as they prepare for the sacraments on the 21st of June. Also, this week three girls received the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Congratulations Ava, Mina and Angali!
Liturgical Life
We have had wonderful liturgical celebrations throughout both schools over the last two weeks. We marked the start of reconciliation week with a liturgy in the Indigenous Garden and finished with our first chapel mass of 2022 for our year 10 students with Fr Chris presiding. Our Junior School students marked World Environment Day with a liturgy. During the liturgy classes were invited to spend one hour outside turning off all electricity, computers, tablets and to connect with the earth. Our Pentecost liturgy was held last Monday in the Junior School; during the liturgy our Sacramental program children were invited for a blessing in preparation for receiving their Sacraments at the end of June.