Sowing the SEADs of Success

From the Assistant Principal
One of the big joys of easing COVID restrictions is being able to come together again. Coming together as a year group, coming together as a staff, coming together for a shared mass and the big one yesterday, coming together for our assemblies again. For the past term and a half, girls have sat in separate classrooms and viewed the assembly online. Yesterday, we had our second face to face assembly of the year and there is always something special about hearing what is happening in the school from the girls perspective.
Year 8 girls shared about their experience on their recent camp. Year 9 girls shared a segment about the importance of breakfast and an entertaining video on their favourite breakfasts, complete with a cooking demonstration. We heard about the importance of the environment, were entertained by some beautiful performers and girls received sports awards for outstanding effort in a recent competition. We also acknowledged our Year 7 to 11 Student Representative Council in person.
One of the items that really stood out was our Head Girl, Georgina Tenny’s speech on Acceptance and I have permission from her to share some of it with you here because it is a message that resonates with who we are at Loreto and how we live our lives. Enjoy the read.
Hi Girls,
So today I would like to acknowledge why I decided to become a leader. My story comes with the hope that I will give you all the strength to walk in and out of school each day knowing that you can be your absolute best self, your true self, for I believe, that everyone is accepted and we all belong. We should not be labelling one another, and thinking that people need a label. All we need in life is for people to be themselves.
Acceptance of others means ditching judgment and expectations of how we think people should act. It also means releasing the stigma that one person is less or lower in rank than another. The truth is we will never fully know what is going on in someone else’s life. We don’t know the full truth and all their stories. Though many times, we try to write our versions of their stories to suit our best interest.
It is not our job to judge others for how they handle life, it isn’t even our job to try and change people to make them “better”. When we accept others as they are, we give them the space to find their path and to learn their truth. However, just because we accept and love others as they are, does not mean that we have to participate in their stories or mentalities. With acceptance and compassion, comes the greater good.
I idolise those who are fierce, independent, and tireless workers who stand up for the narrative to be changed around the stigma of what is ‘socially acceptable, ‘normal’, or even the ‘stereotypical.’
I want you all to look around now, and you will see each individual and their differences. This is what makes us so powerful and special. You all have unique and diverse talents and gifts, and if it wasn’t for this, we wouldn’t be able to support one another and shake up the challenges that are thrown in our way. Only together, through acceptance, we will continue to shape the Loreto community into the inclusive environment that we all love.
I cannot stop thinking about how in so many situations I have denied myself opportunities to be my authentic, true self, in all of life. But this cannot happen anymore, let's be the reason someone steps out of their shell and puts one foot forward into finding their true self.
It is our responsibility and we must stand in solidarity. We must stand in solidarity for the girls sitting right beside you, your Loreto sisters.
I am who I am today, and I would never let anyone change this. No one should ever change who you are, and never let this happen.
Please keep this in mind as we continue our 2022 Freedom journey at Loreto, and of course for the rest of your lives.
Our Year 12 Senior Executive Team have been an outstanding leadership team this year and brilliant role models for our younger students. They have bought energy and vibrance to our school events and even day to day happenings, and we can’t wait to see the girls on stage at our upcoming Performing Arts Festival. I have the joy of working with this team on an almost daily basis and it is an exciting place to be – thank you girls for all you do.
Mrs Anna Partridge
Assistant Principal: Wellbeing and Engagement
SEAD Across the College
In 2021, I was the recipient of the Loreto College Professional Learning Seeding Grant. The purpose of this grant is to enable College staff to ‘seed’ an innovative idea that will have a direct impact on student learning outcomes.
Unresolved social issues have negative short- and long-term consequences for students. If a social issue between peers is not settled in a timely and appropriate manner, this can lead to adverse social, emotional, and academic consequences for all students involved. These outcomes can include school refusal, decreased motivation and academic performance, increased stress levels and health risks, lack of focus, negative mindset, and missed opportunities to build resilience skills.
Over the last week and half, I attended a Mediation Training Course run through Relationships Australia, Victoria. I learnt about the practise of mediating different disputes and plan to roll out training to relevant staff. Teaching staff are already skilled in managing social issues and the training I will provide will act as a refresher.
Resources will be made available through the Loreto Connect tiles for parents. Please check out this page for these resources as well as other relevant issues facing children and adolescents. The link is here.
If you have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact your daughter’s ELC Educator, Classroom Teacher, or Head of Junior School and Early Learning Centre, or the relevant Leader of Student Wellbeing and Academic Care, or Mentor/Subject Teacher in the Senior School. You also are encouraged to seek medical or professional help.
Monica Bignold
College Psychologist R-12
Happenings in the Boarding House
With winter solstice fast approaching, Loreto Boarding excursions, atmosphere and activities have turned up the heat to weather the cooler months. Our Boarders have enjoyed a joint excursion with Wilderness School by going ice skating, with more to come throughout the year as a resurgence of Interschool incursions and excursions are finalised. August 5 has been saved for the Interschool Social with various Boarding Houses across South Australia.
Loreto College will have a presence at Cleve Agricultural Fair in August and we welcome current and Old Scholars to call into the stand and connect.
June has been a month of four legged friends dropping in and bringing shrieks of joy and a taste of home to our Boarders. Belle McIntosh, Mr Winston Williams and Chico Houston enjoyed an over indulgence of pats, chase the ball and cuddles.
The Loreto Boarding Parent Representative Group will next meet on June 21, representing Boarders across all year levels.
Ms Kerry Houston
Director of Boarding