From the Principal 

Dr Nicole Archard

Stay Warm, Stay Healthy 

With the arrival of the winter months, we have seen a significant increase in illness across the College. You would be aware from news reports that after two years of absence the Flu as well as other respiratory infections have come with a vengeance this year. This, combined with Covid is certainly resulting in high absences. The best way that we can try to prevent the spread of illness is to stay away when unwell. It is also important that when the girls are away that they rest and recover, and when they are feeling better, they are certainly welcome to continue with their schoolwork from home until their return. We are finding that the quickest road to recovery occurs when the girls stop and rest. 

Performing Arts Festival

I appreciate that we have many new families to the College who have not yet had the experience of our Performing Arts Festival – affectionally known as PAF. This event is probably the highlight of the whole College calendar, if you haven’t booked a ticket make sure you do so; you will not be disappointed. On that note, it is a compulsory College event for Years 7 to 12. Not attending (bar illness of course, see above) does have an impact on the whole House and the many hours of preparation that the girls have put into making this event such a great experience. It is important to remember that this is a totally student run event, so what you will see on the night is 100 percent all student effort and hard work. Come along and support the girls, I’m looking forward to the opportunity of catching up with many parents who I feel like I haven’t seen for some time. What a great way to reconnect!


Dr Nicole Archard
