Kindergarten News

ENROLMENTS for Foundation 2023

It is time to submit your enrolments for Foundation 2023. Packs have been sent home and need to be returned by the end of the term.

Please let your Group Teacher know if you have any questions. 


It was a fantastic week, even though it was short due to the long weekend.


We engaged in learning about winter and Science, looking at how ice turns from a solid to a liquid through melting coloured ice on paper. The children loved seeing how the liquid left a mark on the paper and how the water then flowed down due to gravity. 


 We had a fantastic learning moment on Friday, highlighting how we use emergent curriculum to guide and direct learning in early childhood. 

The children were very curious about how it was 'freezing' outside, the discussion lead us to unpack how the seasons are dictated by the length of the day and the warmth of the sun. We used our technology and props within the room to show how this occurs, then we decided that it was way to cold to stay in Melbourne, and engaged some music and movement to 'travel round Australia'. The children loved participating in this discussion and the music opportunity too. 


We are looking forward to a great last week of term, with kinder photos today and our last day being Friday.


Al, Carol and Mardi. 


The term might be coming to an end but the learning and fun at kindergarten certainly isn't! Our class persona doll stopped by for another visit. He'd heard that the Mount Pleasant Kindergarten children were learning to solve problems and he needed some advice about sharing toys with friends! We were able to give him some good solutions.

We also used our story stones again to create a collaborative story. It's wonderful to see the increase in confidence in using these prompts, as children's language skills, confidence and communication skills grow throughout the year. 

Our doctor's surgery is experiencing a deluge of patients - luckily there are also lots of nurses and doctors on hand to help! 

Outside, children are exploring science and maths concepts as they work together to build houses in the block corner, complete with bedrooms and kitchens. 

We look forward to more exciting learning for our last week of Term 2!

Theresa, Mardi, Jo and Stacey. 


The last couple of weeks in Gawarn, Wimbi and Dharug have been full of exploring, wonderings, and learning. The children had asked questions and explored the incredible provocations in the environment. They have made mistakes, learnt from them, made some more and learnt some more. Life in the kinder is inspiring – no two days are the same, yet each day has familiarity and a sense of calm. It is a hive of exploration, fun and adventure. Each day I watch in awe as the incredible kinder students increase in confidence and wonder – building new knowledge and understanding together as a community of learners. With one week to go until the end of term two, I thank you for your ongoing trust, care and partnership as we travel on this learning journey together. My wish for you all during the holiday break is a few days with no plans and an opportunity to rest and recharge.                                                                                                         

 Yushan & Kristy                                                                                                              


The educator noticed children showed great interest in building construction; hence the children were introduced to have a thinking mindset like an engineer where they would ask questions, find solutions, draw their ideas and then create them. They exhibited great excitement about being an engineer and an opportunity to work cooperatively to build a strong bridge. Throughout the experience, the children developed social skills to build on their own social experiences and understand different ways of contributing through play and projects.

Yushan & Kristy


Wimbi and Dharug:

The children showed great engagement, and their learning dispositions were nurtured and supported throughout the week. They built a great bond with educators and developed a sense of belonging, making self-image. We explored the facial expressions through a song called "This is a happy face." which supported children to express their feeling to increase the capacity to understand, self-regulate and manage their emotions in ways that reflect the feelings and needs of others. 

Yushan & Kristy