Inquiry Centre


Can you believe it? Only one more week to go! We are looking forward to celebrating all of the students' hard work this term in the last week. Writing has been very hands-on this week with students creating procedural texts with their peers. We have explored ‘How to sneak a monster into your classroom, How to complete everyday tasks like brushing your teeth and How to make fairy bread’. We explored the verbs that support us to give someone clear instructions so that they can be successful when following our procedures. 

In Reading we focused on summarising fiction texts, using the Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then scaffold as well as summarising the personality and physical characteristics of our favourite book characters. It was pleasing to see students use character strengths, our school values and some words from our VCOP Word Wall when describing each character.

Our focus for Mathematics this week has been place value, exploring lots of engaging games. You might like to ask your child to teach you their favourite game. All games require either dice and paper or a deck of cards! Playing these games helped 1/2 students consolidate their fluency, problem-solving and reasoning skills, looking for strategies to help them complete their tasks. 

Guided Inquiry saw us design and create some creative push and pull machines. Students used their understanding of simple forces to design their own creative toys using only recycled materials. 

During our Wellbeing sessions, students have been learning about problem-solving solutions to support us if big and small issues arise in our lives. Students brainstormed different ways they could positively cope, seek support and resolve different problems. As part of our First Nations sessions, we have been exploring different Aboriginal symbols and using these as inspiration to paint rocks we can place in our garden space. 

Have a wonderful final week,


Miss Glen, Mrs Martin, Miss Molloy, Mrs Seadon, Mrs Moroney, Mrs Sutherland and Mrs Tang

Student Voice

  • Ava H - “I loved painting rocks for First Nations, I can’t wait to put it in the garden” 
  • Nethun S - “My favourite maths game is blackhole!”
  • Jasmyra C - “I liked making silly summaries using our Somebody Wanted But So Then book” 


  • Premier’s Reading Challenge - contact your classroom teacher if you need any log in details
  • Last Day of Term 2 - Friday 24th June 2:30pm finish
  • Please make sure all jumpers and jackets are labelled

Pupil of the Week

1/2ET: Tattva D - 

For showing a love of learning when completing your Guided Inquiry reflection. It was great to get your feedback on what you enjoyed about our rotations and how you would like to do more experiments around volcanoes next term. Keep up the great work Tattva!  


1/2G: Linus T

For demonstrating teamwork and responsibility when playing Maths games. It is great to see you building your knowledge of number facts and working so well with your peers. Fantastic work, Linus!   


1/2K:  Hayden K 

For demonstrating creativity when designing and building your push and pull toy. You made a detailed plan to support your construction. Well done Hayden!


1/2M: Charlie G 

For demonstrating perseverance and love of learning in Guided Inquiry this week. You collaborated with your partner and followed all of the steps from designing to making your creation. Keep up the amazing work, Charlie!  


1/2SS: Summer A 

For showing a love of learning when working on tasks. You work well independently or with others and always approach learning with a smile and a positive attitude. Keep it up Summer!