Leadership Centre

Term Two Week 9


Our students returned to school on Tuesday rested and ready to learn. Despite the weather, students are still keen to be outside during breaks to ensure they are refreshed for optimal learning. We do recommend warm clothing during this time as windows and doors are open during the day. 


At our school, we value parent/carer involvement and encourage families to be part of the community. This has been evident during our I.C.E sessions where students have thoroughly enjoyed working with different adults. 

During our Reading sessions this week, students have continued to work on their Literature Circles. We have been very impressed with the engagement of our students this term. They have enjoyed the opportunity to collaborate and discuss ideas with each other whilst challenging and questioning themselves and their peers. On your child’s Seesaw portfolio, you will see a recording of these sessions. They are very proud of their work, as are we. It’s not always easy to read a book for study purposes, but once you are lost in the story, a good book can be hard to put down!


“How can I take a risk in writing? What does risk taking look like?” 

These are questions that have been posed to students throughout the week. Students have taken the opportunity to discuss how success looks when we take a risk and, of course, why it is important to take a risk. Students have acknowledged that, yes, sometimes they can always write with the same characters or use the same text type. With guidance and feedback, they have embraced the opportunity to look outside their comfort zone and take a risk!

It is all angles, shapes, protractors and golf courses in Maths this week. Our students have loved the open ended task of creating a mini golf course all whilst showing off their knowledge and understanding of measurement and geometry. These final pieces will be on Seesaw for you to peruse.

Students are continuing to explore and discover Australian History through the creation of Guided Inquiry projects. It has been wonderful to watch the teamwork and creativity used by our students in these projects, all whilst respecting that some of these events and stories are difficult to tell. Our students will share their work with their younger peers and are looking forward to telling the tales of past times.


We trust you all enjoy a wonderful winter school holiday! You should all be so proud of your wonderful children. In the first 2 weeks back, we have our water safety program at Aquanation. Please ensure that you have given permission via Sentral and have bags packed ready to go for Monday July 11th... bathers, googles, towel, spare clothes, bag for wet clothes and flip flops!


Happy holidays!

The Leadership Centre Teachers

Student Voice

Takeaways from Healthy Harold this week. What did your children learn? 

  • 5/6EB - "We learnt about the negative effects of smoking and nicotine. We also learnt about other things like caffeine and pain killers."
  • 5/6C - "We learnt about how bad drugs are for you and what they do to your body."


  • Permission forms on Sentral need to be completed for the Gala Day on Thursday and Term 3 swimming
  • Please send in tissues for the classrooms- thank you in advance!

Pupil of the Week

5/6B: Sukriti V -

For displaying judgement and social intelligence when completing your Literature Circle recording. You, alongside your group members conducted a very thorough and insightful Literature circle and your verbal contributions to the literary elements you discussed were 

well thought out. Great work, Sukriti!


5/6C: Sheldon L -

For demonstrating a love of learning and creativity when completing your ‘Mini Golf’ project. Well done for working through the success criteria and showing your understanding when identifying different angles. Excellent work, Sheldon! 


5/6D: Blake F -

Well done using your strength of creativity when  taking a risk in your writing! It was impressive to see the way that you utilised peer feedback to enhance your finished piece. Keep up the amazing work Blake! 


5/6EB: Gillian B -

For showing perseverance in your learning and resilience in the classroom this week. You have embraced a range of challenges and have shown dedication to your learning. It was great to see you revisit tasks and show commitment to seeing things through and finishing off your work. Well done, Gillian! 


5/6W: Sienna V -

For demonstrating initiative to select and attend Maths Mini Master Classes to help you build your skills and understanding of classifying, estimating and measuring angles. It was great to see you apply your knowledge when completing your 'Mini Golf' project. Outstanding work, Sienna!