Term 3 Overview

Year 2/3 and 3/4


Year 2/3/ 4 Term 3 Overview 2020

Teachers: Natasha Hemer, Urania Rivas and Teresa Recce







Education in Faith

Scripture : Matthew 25:31-40

In this unit students will be studying and analysing the whole school scripture, “The Final Judgment.” Students will analyse words, phrases and sentences and look at the scripture in different contexts. Students will explore social justice through scripture. Students will investigate themes such as charity, kindness and compassion for those who are in need. 



Reading:Students will use various texts to build and refine comprehension strategies with a focus on finding words in context, compare and contrast, figurative language and making inferences. Students will study the novel ‘Magic Finger’ to consolidate their understanding of character traits, story setting and plot. 

Writing:Students will plan, draft and publish information texts, reflective writing, acrostic, cinquain and biography poems.

Speaking & Listening: Students will listen attentively to others’ views and respond appropriately. Students will plan, rehearse and present an oral report.  They will provide feedback to peers using the ‘T.A.G’ process.



Number and Algebra 

Students will explore and investigate addition and subtraction, and fractions.

 Measurement and Geometry  

Students will explore location and transformation and shape



In the unit, ‘Someone Else's Shoes!’ students will be learning about social justice issues experienced by people with disabilities. Students will research a disability and write about a day in the life of someone who has the disability they have researched.

Information Communication & Technology 

Students will continue to use software including word processing programs with growing speed and efficiency. They will investigate and explore coding kits. Students will continue with Typing Club, Cyber Safety and ChromeBook Licence. 



In Term 3, students will be focusing on  ‘Emotional Literacy’ as part of their wellbeing learning. This term in the area of Wellbeing Curriculum all classes will deliver ‘The Respectful Relationships’ program which promotes and models respect and equality. It also teaches children how to build healthy relationships, resilience and confidence. During remote learning all classes will continue to implement brain breaks and daily check- ins and conclude the day with a 'What went well' Meet.



The Cycle of Life

In Biological Science the students will investigate life cycles. They will examine relationships between living things and their dependence on the environment. By considering human and natural changes to the environment, students will predict the effect of these changes on living things and possible consequences to species survival. Students will be using different multimedia resources through tasks as outlined in their weekly Science Journals.  While they are learning from home they will also be given experiments to perform at home.They will use and further develop the skills of observation, questioning, prediction, planning, conducting, analysing, evaluating and communication.


Visual Arts

This term Grade 2/3/4 students will use the whole school art theme of ‘Time’ to explore representations of time through seasons, the lunar calendar, and clocks. They will learn about the life of famous artists Claude Monet and Salvador Dali, and how they use symbolism of time in their artworks. Students will explore how the purpose of artworks are influenced by the time, society,  and culture of the artist. They will investigate ancient Chinese culture and art, and use it as inspiration in their own art works. Students will identify and follow technical processes in their art creation. They will experiment with different materials and  techniques including: pens, watercolour paint,  pen, watercolour, pencil, various forms of hatching, layering, sketching/drawing using different pencil grips, sculpting by assembling, and modelling.Students will concentrate on identifying and using the art  elements of form, value, and texture.                           

Students will produce 3  artworks based on the whole school theme of Time. 

These will include:                                                                     

  • Monet seasons artwork
  • Chinese Year of the Rat artwork
  • Salvador Dali inspired melting clock sculpture                        


In term three, students will continue to learn Chinese remotely by engaging with a range of multimedia resources. Students are engaging with different interactive activities online and offline to practise their oral and written Chinese. Students are reviewing the topics we have learnt in the past and will continue to expand their vocabulary in Chinese in a home learning environment. They are learning also to seek opportunities at home to practise the language orally as frequently as possible.



This term students will take part in a Target Games unit which will be delivered during remote learning. Students will engage and explore in a range of Target games such as 10 Pin Bowling, Golf and Bowls at home in their non device time. They will perform and practice skills which link to fundamental movement skills such as rolling, underarm throw and 2 hand strike. Students will create their own games by modifying equipment they have at home and then submit their learning using photos and videos of their work.



During term three, students will explore musical elements to improvise, compose and practice their repertoire of chants, songs and rhymes, including those used by cultural groups in the local community. They will use musical vocabulary and art to communicate their responses to music, in various ways. Students will learn about a famous composer and show their understanding by presenting facts they have learned.