Year 2/3NH


In Literacy, the students of 2/3NH have been doing a number of exciting learning activities while remote learning! In Reading, we have been intently listening to Roald Dahl’s 'Magic Finger'. Students have been working on reading strategies and comprehension of the 'Magic Finger' as well as other stories, including stories from Ziptales. Students also take turns throughout the week having reading groups on Google Meet with Miss Hemer or Miss Renee. Everyone’s reading has been fantastic!


As part of our writing program, we are also continuing to do SMART Spelling. Each week students learn the new graph, digraph or trigraph and practise breaking words into sounds. Students also put words into context by placing them in sentences, finding meanings, completing a crossword puzzle and doing a dictation test. 

In writing, we have also started a new unit on Information Reports. Students have identified the features of an information report and have even begun writing their own this week. We are working on researching animals by learning about their appearance, habitat, diet and other interesting facts. We have been working on our plan first before we can actually begin writing the text. We are looking forward to completing our Information Reports this week! 


Mikayla: I am researching the panda because it is my second favourite animal!


Ryan: I am enjoying learning about the megalodon. 


Anh is learning about lions for her information report!


Here are some images of students discussing their ideas for their information report.