Our Catholic Community

Socktober - Sock it to Poverty with Catholic Missions

Students are about to embark on a six-week journey that will take them around the world, meeting new faces and visiting new places, all while having a lot of fun and learning about how, through mission, they can make a difference in their world. 


We start our journey this week in southern India, where some students unknowingly began what has become a yearly Socktober tradition. This week the focus is on compassion. Next week, we're travelling north, into a remote Indian state called Nagaland and will focus on respect.


How can you help? What else can we do?

In addition to learning about how we can make a difference, you may choose to help your child become an everyday hero. Follow this link to register your child and start raising much needed funds for Catholic Missions and support their work this Socktober.


Scripture Reflection: Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

The Parable of the Good Samaritan models a real choice we make in deciding how to live and treat those around us. In the parable the first two men, a Priest and Levite, do nothing; but a Samaritan, from a group disliked by the Jews because they didn’t observe the one true religion, stopped and showed great compassion. 
Jesus then tells the disciples to do the same, and that commandment is repeated to each one of us: go and be a neighbour to your brother or sister in difficulty or to the stranger, elderly, migrant or sick. 
Let us walk the path of the Good Samaritan.

Sacramental Programs


Confirmation Masses have been scheduled for Saturday at 4pm and Sunday at 11am. Candidates and their families have nominated the date and time that they are attending Mass.  Final details about Confirmation will be communicated directly to the candidates through the Parish. If you require any information, please contact Janine on 6752 2886.

Reconciliation and First Holy Communion

At this stage, the Sacramental program for Reconciliation and First Holy Communion remains unchanged. Please find attached the letters and enrolment forms for the sacraments. Please contact the Parish office on 6752 2886 if you require any additional information.