Library News

Library and Information Week 25 - 31 July 2022
The theme for Library Week 2022 is Rewrite Renew Re -imagine
Underwriting this theme is a reminder of the importance of stories, that everyone has a story and that history is often based on stories and storytelling. During Library and Information Week we are reminded that rewriting stories is an essential part of expanding and varying our point of view, re-imagining or re-evaluating the past and envisioning alternate futures. In rewriting or reweaving narratives we can give voice to perspectives in those stories that are yet to be told. Narratives help us make meaning of our experiences, guide how we communicate and think and can configure our path through life, acting as powerful frameworks to help us meet our goals. (ALIA, 2022).
These themes help us reinforce the importance of literature and reading, through which we explore stories at St. Peter’s. Our campus libraries are stocked with narratives that give us food for thought in relation to others and ourselves; giving knowledge and empathy of the wider world, and this is why students study hand-picked stories for English and Literature and students are encouraged to borrow novels of their choice through the campus libraries. Students in Years 7 & 8 also engage in choosing and discussing novels of their own choice throughout the Reading Detective Program.
The oldest form of Australian Storytelling is Aboriginal Storytelling. The period of creation before time as we know it existed, is known to the Aboriginal people as The Dreaming. This is when the very essence of human nature came to be understood and was passed down through generations with Aboriginal storytelling (Aboriginal stories. 2022).
Visit the campus Libraries during Library and Information Week for writing and art activities that remind us that we can Rewrite, Renew and Re-imagine ourselves through literature and art.
Australian Library and Information Association (ALIS). 2022. Library and Information Week: rewrite, renew, re-imagine
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Aboriginal stories. 2022. Aboriginal storytelling.
Retrieved from
NAIDOC. NAIDOC week a the art gallery of WA. 2022.
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