News from Physical Education

Prep, JLC, 3/4 & 4/5/6

During our PE lessons this term the Preps focused on learning new games and activities. We also started a Perceptual Motor Program, which is a movement-based program that helps younger students improve their eye/hand and eye/foot coordination, fitness, balance, locomotion and eye-tracking skills.


This program gets the students ready to participate in exercise and sport in a greater capacity as they grow older. We also looked at how to play different sports whether that be to sharpen their skills of a certain sport or to learn the sport and develop their game sense. 


We also looked at respecting the rules of each game and making sure we play within the rules and to keep trying to play even if it is really hard at the start. 


JLC have also been having a ball learning new games and sports and learning to be persistent in anything we do. 


Persistence is hard especially when a skill is tricky and hard to get the hang of. I love how JLC keep practising these skills. Watching them master a skill and wanting to show me the skill is a highlight of my day because they get super excited about having learnt a new skill and improving themselves. 


In learning how to play fairly,  we emphasised “How to be a good teammate”. This is a big topic to cover as they will need to work in teams not only in sport but in other areas of life too. Through learning how to be a good teammate, we hope to increase participation in team games as well as an interest in students playing sports outside of school to encourage greater socialisation. 


The Year 3/4 students also experienced new games and sport activities through last term. The point of these experiences was to sharpen their current skills as well as to learn new skills that they will need when participating in Interschool Sport or sports outside of school. 


The main focus for last term was to get the students exposed to many different sports and skills, so they feel confident in their own ability and therefore try different sports to see if they want to continue that sport outside of school or in the future.


Understanding the rules of a game or sport and how to play by them was a big focus last term. The rules of the games and sports taught are structured but are sometimes modified depending on the age of the students being taught.  


When teaching students how to play fairly and how different skill levels impact games, we focused on encouraging them to be aware to lift people up with our words and actions and not destroy their confidence when they are trying something new. 


The Year 4/5/6 students have at this point competed in many sports so we focused on sharpening their skills in a wide variety of sports as well as learning new games to play that emphasised a certain skill. The reason we focused on a wide range of sports and games is because we are looking forward to next term where the students will be asked to come up with lessons that they will teach to their peers. 


In addition to the sports and games we fcoussed on during our PE lessons we also continued to participate in interschool sports and gala days. 


The Sports Gala Day that was held at the end of Term 1, was a fun filled day participating, socialising with and competing against other schools in a range of sports such as tennis and volleyball. 

At some events, we helped umpire other games and helped to pack up activities for other schools. Unfortunately, we didn’t make it into the finals but I was impressed by the effort and positive attitude shown by our students. 


Mr Jack Cirillo

Physical Education Teacher