Written by Mia, Emily & Michelle
Written by Mia, Emily & Michelle
Throughout Term 2 the Leadership Centre have been watching “ The School That Tried To End RACISM” It’s an ABC show, in Sydney where a group of Year 6 students dig into the topic of racism over 3 weeks. We watched the show over 3 weeks, many had heard about racism beforehand and others hadn't. Most people felt a bit uncomfortable throughout the show, others took pride in a world without racism. Overall it was an amazing experience for us all, to rethink racism as a whole and thrive for a world without it.
Here’s what students thought:
The Independence Centre did Book Chats and inferred with non-fiction books. Book Chats are when a group gets together and talks about the book and the different components of the book. They used nonfiction books. Inferring is when you predicted what is going to happen from your prior knowledge.
Here’s an example of Emily’s work, she used the pictures given and added words based on her prior knowledge:
Here are some other examples:
The Inquiry Centre’s main focus was using comprehension strategies as well as book reviews . The comprehension strategies include:
You use them to help understand the book better and the idea of the text.
Here’s what some 1 / 2’s think of them:
They love to summarise and predict what they read. Marley loves to predict before she reads. Many love to read books as well!
The Discovery Centre did rhyming words, problem and solution and describing a character. Rhyming words are when an onset sounds the same. The problem is the main bad thing that happens in the story and the solution is the epic ending of the story. Describing a character is describing their looks and personality.
We’ve had an excellent term in reading and we can’t wait for next term's activities!