
Written by Nadar & Briana

The Leadership Centre

In Mathematics this term, the 5/6 students have been focusing on angles. We visited 5/6C to have a look at some of their work. We have been doing a mini golf park project, lots of students have been enjoying this. We went around to ask for student voice. 80% enjoyed the mini golf project. Also we did an origami project then we had to measure the angles on them.

The Independence Centre

Now we are looking at some of the work the 3/4’s are making maps about a place nearby or imaginary. They have also been learning about how to read a compass, they have been learning about the different directions and how to know what direction they are facing. Arshaya liked the Australian Mathematics Challenge because it was challenging for her. Alma and Molly liked making maps because they got to make cool things.

The Inquiry Centre

We have also talked with some of the 1/2 students to see what they have been doing. Some of their highlights were measuring things, making numbers with money, making different fractions and drawing the money. Ollie M liked doing fractions because he got to make different fractions. Winter liked doing money because he got to draw.

The Discovery Centre

Recently the Foundation students have been learning about patterns. They have been given paper AFL jerseys to colour in and they had to make patterns on them. They have also been learning how to count as well.