This Wednesday, 29 June our Year 4 and 6 students will be taking part in  Real Talk  zoom sessions with St Michael's Manilla and St Joseph's Barraba. A letter has been sent out via Compass to all Year 4 and 6 parents explaining the seminar. If you have any questions about your child's suitability or the content of the presentation, please contact the school.


A reminder that Term 2 School Fees are now overdue. As always, if you are having difficulty making payment, please contact either myself or Robyn in the office to discuss.


Just a friendly reminder that paper copy notes went home last week regarding available jobs for the Clearing Sale. These notes need to be returned to school whether you are able to roster yourself on for a job or not. (Please also return if you have completed the roster on Compass) This will help us with the organisation of the day. 

This is a major fundraiser for the year and any support that you can give us will be greatly appreciated.


Sacred Heart PTF will be holding their Inaugural Sacred Heart School/Purtle Plevey Clearing Sale on Saturday 23 July 2022 from 10am. 

As always, this is an excellent opportunity to strengthen our school community and positively promote our school to the public. 


You are encouraged to share the poster below with family and friends.




Sacred Heart School has been approached by the Boggabri Public School to help out with running the Canteen and Gate at the Wean Amateur Races on the 9th of July 2022. If we can assist with this, fundraising will go to both schools. Volunteers are needed to help with serving and cooking in the canteen and taking money on the gate on the day. This is a fun, relaxed day helping raise much needed funds for the BPS P&C and Sacred Heart PTF.  A note has been sent via Compass with timeslots for volunteers. If you are available to help out, please notify Kate Gough who is our school contact as soon as possible so that we can indicate to the Public School if we have any volunteers. This is a family friendly event with lots to do for the whole family. 

Improving Access to Treatment for Children With Anxiety Disorders

Please find below a Research Paper which has been approved by the CSO.