Dear Parents and Carers,



In and around lockdowns last year, there were two important documents developed by our staff, in collaboration with the School Advisory Council. One was the Homework Policy and the other was the new Vision and Mission statements for our school. Today, we share the Vision and Mission. 


It is vital for the future success of our school, that there is alignment around the school's vision between the staff and parents, so we can all work together for the benefit of the children. In a Catholic school, a strong vision and mission statement:

  • is distinctively Catholic and so captures the spirit of our school community
  • brings people together around a common dream or purpose
  • coordinates the work of different people
  • builds a foundation for planning
  • helps everyone in making decisions
  • challenges the present state with its comforts or inadequacies 
  • looks to the future
  • is seen as realistic and achievable.

We went through a rigorous process of thought and consultation to develop this document. Our staff and School Advisory Council worked through what we value as a community, where we want our school to go and what we want it to be for our students/families. We used the questions below to guide the work:

  • What are five things that you value about our school?
  • What aspirations do you have for our school in the future?
  • As a Catholic school in the heart of Highett, what is important?
  • What is our vision in terms of preparing the students for their future?

The staff and school leadership team then developed a workable draft, which was then presented to the School Advisory Council (SAC) for further input. Overall, the SAC was very complimentary of the work done by the staff in compiling the statements and made some minor suggestions for improvement. The final statements are below.

Our Vision

At St Agnes’ School we strive to inspire excellence in our students through an inclusive and challenging learning environment. We aim to be engaged with our community and express our Catholic faith through action.


Our Mission

We are faith-filled

We create an environment where students understand that their Catholic Faith and identity is at the centre of all that we do. Students come to know their faith through understanding of the Gospels, the celebration of our traditions and being in relationship with God through Prayer, Liturgy and Action.


We strive for improvement

We aim to further develop staff who value collaboration and are committed to providing best-practice teaching and learning approaches to ensure that the needs of all students are met, wherever they are on the continuum of learning.

We have a holistic approach

We foster the development of the social, emotional, academic, spiritual and creative growth of every student.

We challenge

We empower students to be resilient, flexible and curious learners who enjoy a challenge, can apply a growth mindset and become proficient problem solvers.


We develop thinkers

We enable our students to become critical thinkers and responsible communicators who can positively contribute to our ever changing, contemporary world.

We care

We provide a nurturing, purposeful and rigorous learning environment where our students feel connected with their teachers and peers, safe to take risks and make mistakes.


We are better together

We value and enrich positive relationships between students, staff, parents, parish and the extended community.

We value community

We create opportunities for all members of our community to lead and actively contribute to the achievement of the school’s shared vision.


Spelling Mastery

In line with our mission statement ‘We Challenge’, although a little later than expected, last week our students from Year 2-6 commenced Spelling Mastery. As has been described in previous newsletters, Spelling Mastery is an evidence-based, explicit approach to teaching spelling skills and phonemic awareness. Our students are grouped according to their needs in spelling and this is based on recommended levels from Spelling Mastery assessments. For example, we have some Year 4s working with Year 6s. ‘Mastery Learning’ is a different style of learning from what our students are generally used to. It aims for the students to be ‘masters’ of particular skills/understandings about how word and sounds works before moving on to the next concept and it is for this reason that they might report it is too easy! I can assure you that the students are learning at their correct level and we expect to see growth as a result. I thought it would be interesting to share a video of Ms Di Pietro leading her Spelling Mastery group through their first lesson last Wednesday. Please keep in mind it is the first time our children have done this style of teaching and learning in Spelling!


Student and Staff Illness

As has been widely reported, there is a high level of cold and flu circulating in the community. There are large numbers of students absent from school at the minute, and I would like to thank parents for keeping children home when they are unwell. There is a massive shortage of casual relief teaching staff available to work in schools at the moment, so as a school we may need to continue with some unconventional short-term arrangements when experiencing staff absences. This includes combining and splitting classes for a short period of time. It has been reported in the media that some schools have had to go back to remote learning for short periods of time. I do not expect this will happen at St Agnes’. Over the past few weeks, our staff have been so very flexible and accommodating of unexpected changes. I am very grateful to them for this and also to parents for your understanding of this challenge as we go deeper into flu season. Please continue to talk to your children about the importance of hand hygiene (regular and thorough hand washing) and to correctly cover mouths and noses when coughing and sneezing.


Capital Works Update

Today we met with the interior designers from Smith + Tracey (architects) to finalise the interiors for our refurbished classroom areas. The project documentation will be sent to prospective builders for tender by the middle of June. All going well, we should have selected a builder by the end of July. I am hopeful of a commencement sometime in Term Four. We also have shade sail installations to look forward to in our central courtyard and over the main adventure playground on Locinda Street. We expect these works to be done in September.


Parent/Teacher Interviews

Parent/Teacher Interviews will take place on Tuesday 21st June. Parents will have the opportunity to either attend in person or to have their appointment online via Google Meet. Teachers will communicate the Google Meet link for those parents wishing to have online interviews. Our preference is still to meet with parents face to face. The interviews will run from from 1:30 pm until 9:00pm and school will conclude at 1:00pm on this day. Parents will need to book interviews online. All parents are expected to attend an interview for your child, as it is a great chance to discuss your child’s report. 

Please click on the button below to  book an interview time using the code 35jtg. The link is OPEN NOW.



 'Shine the Light on Social Justice' Day -Friday 24th June (last day of term)

On the last day of Term Two, 24th June, we are having a Shine the Light on Social Justice Day. On this day we will be raising money for St Vincent’s de Paul Winter Appeal.  This year, St Vincent De Paul have asked for monetary donations, so we are allowing children to wear casual clothes on this day in return for a gold coin donation. The funds raised from the Winter Appeal will help provide emergency assistance to people at risk and experiencing homelessness. Financial donations allow the flexibility to direct funds where they are most needed and can give those who need assistance, a sense of dignity and joy. Usually at this time of year St Vincent’s De Paul runs The Big Sleep Out, where people experience sleeping outside at night. At St Agnes’, our students will participate in activities that will allow them to give an experience of the feelings and impacts associated with homelessness in a safe familiar environment. This semester, students explored the Catholic Social Teaching principle of ‘Solidarity’ and ‘Dignity of the Human Person’. Through these activities, the children will be able to take action and become empathetic global and local citizens. We will start the day in the hall with a presentation and conclude the day with a reflective liturgy run by our Social Justice Captain and Mini Vinnies. The Liturgy will take place in the Church after recess at 11:40am and parents are invited to join us. If you would like to make further donation to Vincent’s De Paul please click on the button below : 



Cybersafety Night

Last night we held our annual Cybersafety evening for our Year 3 to Year 6 students and parents. Thank you to those families who came along; it was very strongly attended and there were some terrific conversations between parents and children to conclude the night, which was the main objective. The online world is a rapidly changing one, so we must continue to facilitate conversations and learning in this area. In the coming days, the resources will be sent to all St Agnes’ families who have a child in Year 3-6. 

Beachside Division Cross Country

Congratulations must go to Callan Duddy, Chloe Curtin, Lucas Atsis and Alexia and Sophia Lyras for their efforts at the Beachside Division Cross Country last Friday. The competition was fierce and conditions were challenging on the day, but all runners did their best and we are very proud of them. A special mention must go to Callan Duddy for winning the 9/10 Boys event. Callan will now go on to compete at the Regional Cross Country Championships, where the competition gets harder once again! Good luck Callan.

Netball and Football Lightning Premierships

Unfortunately the Netball Lightning Premiership was cancelled today due to unsafe surface conditions (after all the rain) but will hopefully  be rescheduled at some stage over the next few weeks. Tomorrow, our Football teams Lightning Premiership will still be going ahead . The students compete against other Catholic schools from our Interschool Sports District. All details have been communicated via Operoo. We wish them well in these competitions.


P&F Disco - Friday 17th June

The Disco will be held at school on Friday 17th June in the school hall. There is a Junior and Senior Disco and it is very fun night for the children!



Assemblies are in the Hall on Wednesday afternoons from 2.40pm and parents are welcome to attend. At assembly, there are presentations from classes, student awards, birthday acknowledgements and special announcements.


Wed 8th June - Year 1

Wed 15th June - Prep

Wed 22nd June - Year 4


Kind regards,
