Parents and Friends


Please join us on Wednesday 25 May, 7:00 PM sharp, for the Parents' and Friends' Forum followed by the Parents' and Friends' General Meeting. 


Our Parents' and Friends' Forum will be led by Dr Vittoria Lavorato who will be accompanied by Ms Joanne Cupac, Careers Advisor.


The evening will be an informative overview of the 2021 HSC results and new analysis tools the College is currently utilising to help our boys reach their full potential.


The evening will also outline student destinations and the impact of early entry offers for university on student motivation.


Please use this link to register your attendance. We look forward to having you join us.

Year 9 Supporters’ Day Barbeque – 28 May

Our next Supporters’ Day is Saturday 28 May.  It would be great if we could have the support of our Year 9 families at the barbeque. Many hands make light work. Any time you can spare will be appreciated. If you would like to volunteer, please use this link.

Blue, Black and Gold Dinner

Last Friday night, the P&F Committee held the annual Blue, Black and Gold Dinner at Doltone House, Jones Bay Wharf. With tickets selling out fast, 580 guests ate, drank, and danced the night away.

A huge thank you to Old Boy Rob Shehadie (‘94) for offering his time as Master of Ceremonies. Between his comedic talent, the Lebanese drums and Dr Lavorato’s charm, it was a very entertaining and successful evening. The much-loved BBG is always a popular and enjoyable event on the St Patrick’s College calendar, and this year was no exception.


We look forward to hosting the next one in 2023!


Once again, thank you to our amazing SPC Community for your continued support.


Parents’ and Friends’ Committee