Year 3/4 Report

Over the last few weeks in Inquiry, the 3/4 students have been exploring how living things depend on one another to survive. They have investigated different apex predators and producers to develop their own food webs. Upon creating these they have explored what will happen if one element of the food web is removed and how this would affect our ecosystem.

In Literacy, students have continued to focus on non-fiction texts and investigated how particular animals are paired with one another in order to survive. While investigating different animal pairings, students have located and recorded the key information in their own words, and created posters to inform others. 


During Numeracy, the 3/4 students have been learning about 'Addition’. They have learnt and applied different strategies to help them solve equations. The addition strategies introduced have allowed students to make connections to prior learning around place value and transfer these skills into solving addition problems. It has been great to see students' enthusiasm during maths and their confidence to explain their thinking about the strategy they used.