
Artwork: Stage 1 Mint

Secondary Head Teacher Awards

Year 7

Will Hutton - Consistent application in Mathematics

Christian Loeb - Consistent application in Mathematics

Marie Swan - Improved application in Mathematics

Liam McCann - Application in Science

Tommy Brazier - Improved effort in Science

Stevie McElroy - Excellent bookwork and application in Science

Georgette Loeb - Finalist in the UNE 'Lets Hang It' Visual Arts Competition 2022

Year 8

Darcey Heagney -  Excellent Achievement and Application in Agriculture

Darcy Heagney - Effort and application in PDHPE

Emma Looker - Excellent work in PDHPE

Year 9

Sophie Spradbrow - Consistent effort in English

Jake Tibbs - Consistent effort in Physical Activity Sports Studies

Chelsea Walls - Excellent application and attitude in PDHPE and PASS

Leah Varcoe - Consistent application in Mathematics

Treigh Bonser-Karhu - Consistent application in Mathematics

Lincoln Brown - Consistent application in Mathematics

Annabelle Collins - Finalist in the UNE 'Lets Hang It' Visual Arts Competition 2022

Year 10

Corby Byers - Excellent application in Practical Tasks in Agriculture

Max Raper - Consistent effort in PDHPE

Aiden Purvis - Effort and application in PDHPE

Jaymie Donnelly - Consistent effort in PDHPE

Trisha Varley - Consistent effort in PDHPE

Jada Alefosio - Consistent effort in PDHPE

Jorja Bull - Consistent effort in PDHPE

Jaymie Donnelly - Consistent effort and achievement in Year 10 English

Chelsea Walls - Consistent application in Mathematics

Oscar Atkin - Consistent application in Mathematics

Lorissa Wilson - Consistent application in Mathematics

Year 11

Jaymie Donnelly - Excellent application in Year 11 Primary Industries 

Kye Raper: Achievement and Application in Year 11 Biology

Harris Dullaway - Consistent application in Standard English

Claire Flynn - Consistent application in Mathematics Standard

Harris Dullaway - Consistent application in Mathematics Standard

Ellie Mitchell -  Excellent application and enthusiasm in Biology

Claire Flynn -  Excellent application and commitment in Biology

Year 12 

Michael Looker Excellent Application in Year 12  Primary Industries

Michael Looker - Commitment to improvment in Year 12 Standard English

Lucy Mayled - Consistent application in Mathematics Standard 2

Michael Looker - Consistent application in Mathematics Standard 2

Big Picture 

Toby Handebo - Excellent application and attitude towards learning

Khaleal Iboai - Effort and Application in PDHPE

Oliver Flynn - Effort and Application in PDHPE

Primary Merit Certificates

Stage 3 Indigo 

Freya Bray - Welcome back to Guyra Central School!

Mateo Brazier - Improvement with the quality of his persuasive writing

Kyara Alefosio - Being a supportive and hardworking member of the class

Ruthie - Demonstrating commitment to her learning at all times

Anja McIlwain - Great work on her explanation writing

Shaqueeta Banfield - An excellent effort with her optical illusion artwork


Stage 3 Silver 

Jarrod Fereday - Excellent participation in OzTag

Lincoln Atkin - Excellent sportsmanship and leadership during Sport lessons

Ava Williams - 

Tommy-Ray Jones - Excellent focus in class

Zac Raper - Being an expert in literacy - descriptive language and word meanings

Krikit McGinty - Significant improvements in literacy - MiniLit


Stage 2 Gold 

Saxon Bray - Meeting his friday goal

Gus Sutton - Great effort in his reading

Flyn Byers - Great effort in his writing

Thomas Tomkins - Improved attitude and effort towards his work

LaBron Joyce - An interesting and entertaining 50 word story

Jaylee Burns - Fantastic response to if she was Prime Minister


Stage 2 Olive

Rose Gordon- Excellent effort in Multicultural Public Speaking 

Zac Fereday- Excellent effort in his speech about symbols of Australia. 

Indica Hoiland- Excellent effort in multicultural public speaking. 

Kiarnie Shersby - Always being willing to share her ideas in class

Jessica Fletcher - Dedication to prop making for assembly performance

Ryan Vidler - Dedication to prop making for assembly performance


Stage 1 Mint 

Louisa Di Certo - Her positive attitude to all aspects of School life at Guyra Central

Airlie Vidler - Her knowledge and enthusiasm during dancing to the 'Time Warp'

Clyde Orfordhill - Trying hard to write unknown words using his sounds

Laura Jackson - Improvement in reading 

Hugh Kliendienst - Consistent engagement in Literacy Sessions


Stage 1 Lime

Harrison Tooth - Improved handwriting

Charles Gordon - Beautiful handwriting

Jackson Atkin - Fantastic number talk response


Early Stage1 Rainbow

Willow Vickery - Always trying her best

Val Alefosio - Excellent engagement in all areas

Maddi Onslow - Improved phonics' knowledge

Malakai Pixton - Applying math strategies in new situations

Aria Mayled - Sharing her knowledge of portraits in CAPA

Nicko Hutton - Applying math strategies to new situations


Assistant Principal Awards

Jake Artz- Stage 2 Olive

Gus Sutton- Stage 2 Gold

Ruthie -Stage 3

Elsa Kliendienst- Stage 3 


Guess Who? -Lincoln Atkin 

Guess Who? - Zac Raper 

Guess Who?- Elsie Post 

Good Sport Award- Kyara Alefosio

Good Sport Award-   Anja McIlwain

Good Sport Award - Indica Hoiland 

Good Sport Award - Sophie Rumbel

Good Sport Award - Hugh Kliendienst 

Good Sport Award - Paisley Towler 

Good Sport Award - Jack Sutton 

Attendance Award- Damien Hsieh-Taylor

Attendance Award - Freddie Post 

Attendance Award - Johnny Lockyer

Attendance Award -Louisa Di Certo