Principals Report  

Artwork: Stage 1 Mint 

I have spent quite a bit of reflection time during these past few weeks. Working to complete Guyra Central School Annual Report, having the privilege of reading K-12 individual student reports and reviewing our School Improvement Plan 2021-24, as we transition to Semester 2. I have been very impressed with the level of effort and commitment by our students, when working to complete their personal reflections, a chance for each student to assess their own performance, during Semester 1 2022. I would like to congratulate students and their teachers for the culture of high expectation that seems to be flowing through to these learning reflections. Students would appear to be taking this process in the spirit of its purpose, an opportunity to reset and focus on learning, as they move forward.


Following the challenges of the past couple of years and our ongoing challenges with staff and student illness, their has been a weariness, on some days everyone pedaling so much harder to maintain the status quo. I know that our staff are currently exhausted and I look into the faces of our cherubs and see their tired eyes. Sometimes it has felt like we are walking through molasses, with staff recovering from their own illness and at times also taking care of their recovering family and extended family, some with long COVID and everything that brings. It has certainly be very tough for our school learning community and extended Guyra and regional community. 


What keeps everyone going here at the school is commitment and support. The ongoing support from the Guyra community, our parents/carers and extended community members, has been amazing. We thank everyone for their support and love. 


My office faces north onto the car park that houses our two buses. It is very refreshing to see our buses leaving the car park, almost every day, filled with excited students, heading off to represent the school, community and of course, themselves and their families. We are getting comments frequently from host schools  about the respect and integrity that our students compete with. We are also coming home with great competitive success. Whether our students are playing football, soccer, basketball or competing in debating competitions it is their citizenship that remains constant and builds our school pride.


Thank you to all of our staff. You have gone beyond your contracts to provide our beautiful students with what they need to succeed during Semester 1 2022. I know that when we return, refreshed, to commence Semester 2, we are going to continue to build on our learning opportunities. 


We reluctantly say goodbye to Mr Mal Gaukroger who has been weaving his gentlemanly magic at Guyra Central School during 2022. You will be very much missed as you transition to the next chapter of your life. We farewell Ms Vicki Layland. Vicki has been an outstanding educator, at Guyra Central School, for many years. Vicki is heading north and will be missed greatly by our students and staff. Thanks for you great work during your time with us Ms Layland.

We must also say a huge congratulations to Mrs Jessica Waters. Jess has successfully been appointed as School Administration Manager, through a merit selection process, to Dorrigo Public School. Jess we will miss you greatly. Dorrigo is very lucky to have someone of your character and experience managing their office.


I hope that everyone takes the opportunity to spend time with family and friends during the school break. Our Year 12 students will come back to school facing the daunting and exciting prospect of having 10 weeks of school left. We wish you all well. Keep focused on your studies but please find a nice balance with study and leisure. This is very important to ensure your success.


We have a bumper newsletter for you. Please take time to read through all of the information provided. A huge thanks to all of our contributors and to Louise Dowden for her skill and patience while constructing our school newsletters during 2022.


Stay safe and enjoy the break.


Michelle Nicholson

Proud Principal 

Guyra Central School