
Artwork: Stage 1 Mint

Years 9/10 Work Experience

As we have discussed with students, year 9/10 students are going out on Work Experience in Week 4 of Term 3. What have you done to organise your work experience? You must be 14 to attend Work Experience.


Before going out on work experience you need to complete the following:


1. Find a business that will take you for the week. Remember this cannot be your family business - the idea of work experience is to experience new opportunities and learn new skills. Give your employer the booklets that are attached below or a hard copy. Your parents/carers also need a copy of the parent booklets.


2. When you have a business that will take you, contact me for the paperwork that needs to be completed. These forms need to be returned to me at the latest by Friday Week 2 Term 3, fully signed by employer, parent/carer and studened. I have to contact each employer to ensure that they are suitable for you to attend, so no paperwork - no work experience! 


3. Complete the Mandatory Work Ready Course.

To do this you need to do the following: If you have headphones or earbuds now is the time to get them out.Go to the GCS Careers Portal - this should be bookmarked.

Do not log in

Navigate to the tab that says Workplace Learning

Once this opens there a 2 tabs.Read the first tab and then open the 2nd tab - My Work Experience

Read the information and then click on the hyperlink MyWorkExperience


Click Create an Account and then follow all the directions. You will have 3 modules to complete. 


When you have completed these, download your certificate and then upload it to YOUR account on the GCS Portal.

To do this you will need to log into the portal.

To upload a document - go to your profile - it is on the top right of the page, where there is a profile of a person.

You will see a menu

Select My Documents

On the right hand side it says Upload new document

Click this and then find your certificate and upload it.


Unless you have completed this course you are unable to attend work experience. Have a look at the attachment. Placing a tick in this box signifies that you have completed this course.

I have included a link to the NSW DET information on Work Experience as well as the policy which includes where you can go and what you can do and can't do. If you are in any doubt ask!


If you complete all this - go to the Careers Portal and log in. Many employers will ask you for a Resume. Please use the Resume builder within the Careers Portal to build and keep your Resume up to date.


To access the Resume Builder you need to:


Log into the Portal

On the top left of the page will be "your name" JourneyClick this > Preparing for Work > Resume

When you have completed this, go back to Your Journey again

then click Workplace Health & Safety - 11 Lessons - Work your way through these.


Unless the school thinks that you are ready for Work Experience, you won't be attending. The more of these activities that you complete, the better prepared you will be and the easier the decision is to allow you to attend.


Students, for more information please log into your Google Classroom.


Hard copies of the booklets are available for Employers and Parents/Carers from Mrs Helen Doyle.  For further information please contact Mrs Doyle via email; 



McDonalds Armidale are looking for staff..........


For more information please click the link:


Remember that you will need a resume.  All students have access to a resume builder on the Guyra Central School, Careers Portal.