
Artwork: Stage 1 Mint


So far, we know that kids who grow up with a present, engaged dad are less likely to drop out of school or wind up in jail, compared to children with absent fathers and no other male caretakers or role models.

When children have close relationships with father figures, they tend to avoid high-risk behaviors, and they’re less likely to have sex at a young age.

They’re more likely to have high-paying jobs and healthy, stable relationships when they grow up.

They also tend to have higher IQ test scores by the age of 3 and endure fewer psychological problems throughout their lives when dads take the role of a father seriously.

Altogether, these benefits of having an engaged dad are called the “father effect.”



FREE: Toolkit for Dads


A 3 hour session for men

WHEN:  Thursday 30th June 2022

TIME: 9.30am to 12.30pm

WHERE: Centacare Armidale - 150 Rusden St, Armidale

Bookings essential: 1800 372 826 or ring Facilitator on 6738 7200


Join us to learn about:

· What gets in the way

· What to do if you lose it

· What children need

· Smarter ways to parent

· Neuroscience and kids

· Helping children thrive

· New ways to discipline

· Self-care for dads