Learning & Teaching in 5/6C

A Snapshot of eLearning in 5/6C

In 2022 our school is excited to share that we are participating in the Inform and Empower cyber safety program.  This means we watch live cyber safety incursions every term.  These online modules help us to better navigate the online world and become more informed and empowered digital citizens.  We focused on issues including cyberbullying, unwanted contact, unsafe or untrue content, balancing screen time with ‘green time’ and sharing personal information.  


We created a slideshow with our learning and here is some feedback from Marty, the presenter.


Dear Mrs Cetrola & the crew in 5/6C,

Thanks so much for the email and your incredible slideshow!  What an impressive collection of responses, I could very clearly see your deep level of understanding.  Thanks for Angus' suggestion...I might have to make the quiz a little harder next time 😉 To thank you for the effort in creating and sending through your slides, I am going to send you a little something in the mail. 


Kind regards, 

Marty McGauran

Educator & Presenter


Enjoy our slideshow of learning!