School Council 


School Council Newsletter Report - 23 June 2022

Wyndham Vale Primary School Council met on 16 June, most of us from the comfort of our living rooms or home office’s.  We began in two groups as usual, one being the Resources: Finance, Buildings and Grounds Subcommittee, the other the Policy & Curriculum Subcommittee.


In the Resources Meeting, we reviewed the financial reports for May, working through the details of funding coming into the school as well as that going out.  It was very clear that a positive outcome of moving the Parent Payments onto Compass has resulted in a notable boost to the voluntary Library and Building Fund contributions.  For those who aren’t aware, these are a tax-deductible contribution to support renovations, upgrades, and maintenance of school infrastructure and to support the purchase of books and other equipment for our library.  With the end of financial year just around the corner, if you haven’t already - consider making a tax-deductible contribution, I don’t think there can ever be too many books for our kids to read and enjoy.



Like me, you will be happy to know that WVPS were successful in their submission to the State Government for Minor Capital Works funding which has been allocated to upgrade our oval.  Our budget also shows a nice pile of money set aside for the schools co-contribution for this upgrade which is very exciting.  



In General Business we shared our concerns around the safety of children around cars at drop off and pick up times. There has been lots of information made available in various formats on parking around schools, crossing roads and leading by example as we teach our children road safety awareness.  I would encourage you to help make some noise and share your concerns with Wyndham City Council via their website, or alternatively using the Snap Send Solve App.  A designated drop off zone would be a very welcome improvement at WVPS. 




Finally, a positive that came from this meeting was the success of fundraisers held by both the school and our amazing PFA.  Between the Fun Run, Cookie Dough sales, an Election Day Sausage Sizzle and others, we have had a very successful first half of the year.  With just days to go, we are also in the running for a generous prize in the Pacific Werribee, Shop for Your School competition.  We wouldn’t be in this position without the time and energy of our wonderful teachers, our dedicated and persistent Parents & Friends, and also the support of our                                                                                      school community.





Our next meeting is 21 July 2022.








Sharon Gatt – School Council President