
Behaviour Expectations and Management                at St John's Mitcham


School Wide Positive Behaviours Support (SWPBS) is an evidence-based framework for preventing and responding to student behaviour. It aims to create a positive school climate, a culture of student achievement and an open, responsive management system for all school community members. It includes analysis of data in professional learning teams, implementation of evidence based practices and organisational systems for establishing safe, purposeful and inclusive school and classroom learning environments while providing the individual behaviour and learning supports needed to achieve academic and social success for all students. 


Our school’s key SWPBS values are Respect for Self, Respect for Others and Respect for Property - our 3 R’s. Our behaviour management is respectful of each individual and responsive to ensuring these are upheld across the school. Staff, students and parents have a voice in our school wide expectations of what these 3 R’s look, sound and feel like.


Below is our School Wide Expectations and Consequence Flowchart. These highlight acceptable behaviours and the management of unacceptable behaviours. Behaviour plans will also be put in place for ongoing behavioural concerns. The data collated from the management of these behaviours, informs leadership decisions about student and school needs and support.

For more information about our Scool Wide Positive behaviours program please contact our Wellbeing Leader, Mrs Emma Pattison.
