Wonder 2022

Wonder - Where in the World?
At times during Term 1, the Year 7-9 Wonder students - and even the Wonder staff themselves - felt that they were stepping off a cliff into the unknown. As with anything that is new, there was uncertainty about what awaited. What would Wonder be about? How would it be different to the usual academic subjects? Why would teachers be asking me to step outside of my comfort zone?
Thankfully, everyone involved did learn to fly on the way down. By taking calculated risks, being prepared to embrace some degree of failure in the process, the overwhelming final result was a positive one.
The final Showcase event was an amazing display of the ingenuity, creativity, collaboration and problem solving skills of all involved. Whether it was the careful examination of how to retro-fit one of Killester’s buildings, the celebration of one of the alumni or the development of a proposal to benefit the wider community, the students were able to shine.
And where as the focus for the Term 1 projects was centred around Killester College itself, in Term 2 the students are being offered the world.
Year 7 students will showcase a given hectare of their LOTE nation ie Italy or Indonesia.
Year 8 students will showcase an aspect of the Olympics
Year 9 students will explore and showcase the possibilities of future careers.
With some experience behind them, we are looking forward to the students moving more confidently towards the edge, daring to jump into the next exciting range of opportunities that the Wonder program will offer them.
Jacqui Dunstan
Wonder Teacher