Celebration of 


2R Learning about Weather 

Grade Twos have been learning about the weather for Inquiry, so 2R were very excited to look out the window and see a full rainbow across the playground. 

Education Week Problem Solving Questions 


Thank you to all those students and families that completed the numeracy problem solving questions for Education Week. It was wonderful to see all of the responses as well as a few photos of families having some fun with numeracy at home! Please see below the winner from each level that was drawn from the raffle:

 Foundation - Layla Rolls 

Year 1 - Billie Lyell 

Year 2 - Blake Rimes 

Year 3 - Mitchell Bergman 

Year 4 - Mila Haskett 

Year 5/6 - Billi Bourke Keep your eyes peeled in our newsletter for more fun numeracy games and activities to do at home

 Miss Elliott


Coal Creek Excursion

We found a tap that pumped out water. Not like the taps in our homes or at school.  We couldn’t get it work though..  luckily! 

FG was looking to see if the train was coming on the old tracks. Toby was being twice as careful and looking both ways.. just in case! 

Wow we found out that foundation students only used a tray of sand and a stick to do all of their activities for the whole year in 1902. No textas or crayons? Slate board and a stone based pencil was used for the rest of primary school. No books or pencils? No iPads? Wow we are going to look after and respect our class resources sooo much better now! How lucky are we? 

We had an opportunity to use ink pens and trace old fashioned style letters. We were amazing at it and our teachers breathed a sigh of relief no clothes were permanently spoiled! Great work Foundation! 

The Foundation students were transported in time to 120 years ago where they went to a school at Coal Creek. The students then would ride to and from school on their horses. We wanted to live in those times too….  until we found out how strict the teachers were!!! 

We thought the phone Jaelyn was using in the classroom was old until we saw the old phone at Coal Creek. Koby discovered you couldn’t talk and listen at the same time. It didn’t seem very sensible to him at all! 

FG Mathematical challenges

The challenge was set: build something taller than the teacher. “Impossible,” she said! Challenge completed and don’t they look happy with themselves! 

Dress Up time in FG

As part of the Developmental Learning Program in Foundation, the students are given the opportunity to explore and create. Costumes and make believe give them a chance to begin developing future story lines and being immersed in imaginative play helps develop their potential as writers.