From the Principal 

David Tapp

Dear Parents and Carers,

Winter is definitely here! I took Ernie for a walk on the beach over the weekend when the sun was out; however given the cold snap, that will not be happening again for a little while. Recently in the media there has been a lot of discussion around schools and students keeping warm. I would like to reassure all families; our students are in heated classrooms with air purifiers. Every classroom including specialist classrooms have a purifier and heaters.


Last week was Education Week, our school has a very proud 137-year history; our students discussed school ‘back in the olden days’ also what Somerville Primary may have looked like in the past. Our Grandparents and Special People open afternoon was a fantastic opportunity for students to share some Maths games and to have visitors in classrooms. Thank you to all families and friends who came, our students really enjoyed their visit. As part of Education Week our Student Leaders went over to Somerville Kinder and read stories to them, as well as the Kinder students visiting our school for an excursion. 


Today a number of our leaders along with Jemma Dunstan have gone to the MCG for the Sustainability Victoria Awards, our school is a finalist in the School of the Year category and Jemma is a finalist in the Teacher of the Year category. 


Somerville Primary School has very unique and stunning grounds; School Council has a Buildings and Grounds Sub-Committee that oversees OHS and Facilities within the school, if this is something you would be interest in joining, please contact the office. 



Have a great weekend, stay warm!


Kind Regards,

David Tapp