Principal's Report

Dear Families,
How quickly we have reached the middle of Term 2! Currently teachers are collecting data sets to assist with writing the Mid-Year Reports. These data sets also enable us to monitor student’s growth across the school and give feedback for future learning.
This week we were saddened to hear of the death of Maria Serra’s mother. Maria had taken this year off to spend some additional time with her family so that has been a blessing that she has had time to spend with her mum. We would like to express our deepest sympathy to Maria and her family at this extremely sad time.
Unfortunately, my sister’s husband died last week as well. I will be attending the funeral next Monday. He is being buried in Woorndoo where I grew up.
Proceeds from the Mother’s Day Stall was $1,693.50 which is fantastic. When the money was first counted, I missed counting money which had been placed in another container. Money raised was to go towards furniture for our outdoor learning space which will be constructed in September, all going well.
Friday the 10th June is a Professional Practice Day, students are not required at school on this day. The majority of staff will be attending Day 2 of the Little Learners Love Literacy PD. Little Learners Love Literacy® is a sequential, explicit program backed by research. Teaching focuses on phonemic awareness, the alphabetic code (phonics), vocabulary and linking the teaching of reading, spelling and writing.
Monday the 13th is the Queen’s Birthday Holiday therefore students will have a four-day weekend.
The Frog Bog area is still a very popular spot. It was a hive of activity on Monday morning with the children busy building huts, making mud pies and searching for those very elusive crystals which seem to disappear overnight.
On Wednesday and Friday, we will be providing the opportunity for students to have their lunches heated. I had to laugh when one of the students said to me, “My mum is so excited! She is sick of making sandwiches.” I thought it would be the children who would be excited.
For safety reasons please wrap the lunch in foil and have it clearly marked with your child’s name and grade. As we are using a pie warmer do not send along ceramic or tin containers as they become very hot and present a risk burning someone.
It was lovely to see many students sitting around the table to share breakfast on Wednesday morning. Some gave a rating of 10/10 however the baked beans did not prove to be as popular as the spaghetti from previous weeks. Hopefully soon our hens will lay enough eggs so that we can put them on the menu as well!
Over the past 3 weeks the Department has been carrying out a Desktop Review on our financial processes and procedures. It has required Bree to supply them with numerous reports and documents. It has been a huge job and I am very appreciative of her efforts and her financial expertise.
Next Tuesday students from Foundation to Grade 3 will participate in the Ditto Show from 11.30-12.15pm. Parents are welcome to come along and view the show.
Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure Show is aimed at children aged 3 to 8 and is delivered in early learning centres and lower primary schools to children of all abilities. This fun and interactive personal safety program has reached hundreds of thousands of Australian children since its inception in 2006.
Delivered by experienced facilitators, the show duration is 30 to 40 minutes, depending on the age group (shorter show for younger children). Independent evaluation of the Ditto Show suggests the principles of personal safety embedded in the program can help to increase resilience, and reduce the risk of child sexual assault, as well as other forms of abuse including family violence and bullying.
What will children learn?
Following is an overview of the Ditto show content. (Please note that some of the content described below is omitted from the Early Years (i.e. childcare) version of the show to ensure age-appropriateness and brevity for a young audience.) Both the Early Years and lower primary school versions of the Ditto show are underpinned by the following six principles of personal safety:
- Differentiating ‘yes’ and ‘no’ feelings
- Recognising the bodies ‘warning signs’
- Body ownership
- Helping children identify language and feelings associated with secrets
- Reinforcing that there is no secret that children cannot tell someone
- What to do if you feel unsafe or unsure
We aim to teach children these essential principals through songs such as ‘Run and Tell (someone you can trust)’ and ‘Private Parts (they belong to me)’.
Children also learn ‘Ditto’s 3 Rules’, which are:
- We all have the right to feel safe with people.
- It’s ok to say NO if you feel unsafe or unsure.
- Nothing is so yucky that you can’t tell someone about it.
As part of the program, children are each given a Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure Activity Booklet to take home (primary school program only). We encourage parents and/or teachers to look at the booklet with the children, using the activities to help cement the personal safety messages from the show.
Next Wednesday students across the school will participate in the Responsible Pet Ownership program which educates children on living safely and responsibly with dogs and cats.
Have a lovely weekend,
Regards Heather