Christine's Corner
Dear Yarrabah families,
This is the season to be Creative with our connections. I am so missing the personal connection.
In times of crisis many of us discover our breaking point- the point where our ability to cope with feelings of fear and powerlessness and uncertainty begins to crack.
If there is anything that we are all being reminded of right now, it is that life is difficult, and there’s not much we can do to change that. The only thing we can do is increase our ability to come through these difficulties and come out stronger on the other side. For this reason we are wanting to partner with you by supporting you with an online well-being community through Zoom, Webex and other platforms. We want to encourage you all that we are in this together. Are you needing support, a listening ear, or are really struggling then take advantage of these online support groups by informing myself or your child’s teacher. In doing this our hope is for you to experience a sense of connection so that you are not alone.
We have the Senior parents support group meeting fortnightly on a Friday morning, a new Lower and Upper Juniors group starting in the next week.
It’s been so encouraging for parents to connect in and have their feelings and experiences validated and to explore options of resources and tools to equip them at this time. For more information, contact your child’s teacher or myself on 0459 868 745.
Most importantly, to all our Mums, Happy Mother’s Day.
You are our CHAMPIONS,
The tears you have cried,
The patience and persistence you have endured,
The dedication you have shown,
The sacrifices you have made,
The heartache you have carried
And the belief you have upheld,
Has provided HOPE and COURAGE to us all .
Have a wonderful day knowing that you are honored and celebrated.
Happy Mothers Day,
Important Information about Coronavirus for families
This note provides links to selected information, advice and support relating to coronavirus, in English and other languages, provided by the Victorian and Australian Governments, and other sources.
If you Suspect You may have Coronavirus:
Call the dedicated hotline: 1800 675 398 (24 hours).
If you need an interpreter, call TIS National on 131 450.
Please use Triple Zero (000) for emergencies only.
Information about Coronavirus and How to Prevent its Spread
About the Coronavirus Infection
Including its symptoms, how to reduce its spread, and where to obtain help and hospitals which provide assessment services for anyone who have the virus. Click here, or visit:
Reducing the Risk of Infection
Click here, or visit:
Restrictions on Movement Outside of the Home to Slow the Spread of Coronavirus
Click here, or visit:
Videos about Coronavirus and How to Help Prevent its Spread
How Victorians can work together to respond to the coronavirus disease.
Click here, or visit:
Videos presented by SBS on behalf of the Federal Government. Click here, for Part One, and here, for Part Two.
Videos about coronavirus in other languages are available: Click here, or visit:
Support for Specific Issues and Segments of the Community
People with a Disability and their Carers
Medical advice, further support, and tips for keeping healthy for carers.
Click here, or visit:
Carers Advisory Line on 1800 514 845 (Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm) Click here, or visit:
Phone NDIA on 1800 800 110 (Mon-Fri 8am-8pm) to request a plan review. Click here, or visit:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities
Physical distancing, access to food and essential supplies, and other advice, emphasising cultural respect. Click here, or visit:
Play, Health and Learning at Home - About play, learning, safety and health, for infants, toddlers, pre-schoolers and school-age children, as well as services for parents.
Click here, or visit:
Fun activities for parents and children at home
Click here, or visit:
Learning from Home for Children
Learning resources for children during school closures. Click here, or visit:
Advice about learning from home, in community languages: Click here, or visit:
Services for Parents
Victorian Government services for infants, toddlers, pre-schoolers and school-age children.
Click here, or visit:</
ANZAC Reflection
Dear Yarrabah Families,
Last weekend we reflected on the qualities of past generations of Australians who in hardship displayed courage, resourcefulness, fidelity, valor, endurance and comradeship.
The, young men of Gallipoli were the first ANZAC's, ordinary Australians, doing their best in a war of intense ferocity. Nearly 8,000 Australians were killed and 78,000 were wounded. The disastrous campaign came to symbolize the Australian and New Zealand soldier’s spirit of determination, courage, self- sacrifice, discipline, friendship, humor and exceptional valor in battle.
The values of courage, resourcefulness, self-sacrifice, dedication and endurance are being tested in us as we navigate through COVID-19. While there is no comparison to the Great War and the Battle of Gallipoli, we reflect on the legacy of The ANZAC’s in a time where all Australians are needing to make sacrifices that have been placed on them due to the current challenging pandemic.
It has been an honour to work with the Leadership and Staff at Yarrabah who have dedicated themselves to its students and families. The extraordinary courage, dedication, self-sacrifice, and resourcefulness and endurance of the staff and parents has revealed the heart of the ANZAC spirit. I am so proud of our community forging through this time together.
Christine Battams