Around the Traps - Foundation/1

Bianca Vescio / Eleanor Rodda


In Foundation this week we have continued practising the sounds /d/ /f/ /v/ and /e/, and have been working hard to spell and read words using these sounds. 


Grade 1 students have continued their reading and spelling journey using a range of different games and activities with a focus on sounds and spellings they have covered so far this year. 


We are continuing to read the story ‘Night Noises’ by Mem Fox, and are completing a story map as the week progresses. So far, we have discussed the setting and characters, as well as the events at the beginning of the story. To complete our story map, we will discuss the problem and resolution of the story. 


In our independent writing this week, students have been writing their own narratives in the form of silly sentences and story maps. Here are some examples of our narratives so far: 

On his birthday, the pirate who didn’t care about fireworks was reading at the Sydney Opera House. - Annabelle 


In winter, the angry cat was playing on the computer in the forest. - Hunter 




This week in Foundation we have started learning out measuring length and height. We have brainstormed some vocabulary that we use when we talk about length, including long, short, tall, big, small and the same. We have also been practising directly comparing objects and deciding which is longer/taller and which is shorter. 

Grade One 

Students have continued to learn about 2 digit numbers this week. Using a range of games and resources such as playing cards, students have practised building 2-digit numbers and discussing the place value of the numbers they have made. 



This week we are welcoming our Grade 6 buddies into our classroom to be interviewed! We are so excited to be reporters and to find out answers to questions about growing older and wiser. 


RE  (Religion)

This week we have continued our focus on Holy Week, and have been learning a lot about Palm Sunday. With the support of our Grade 6 buddies, we have made some handprint palms that we will present at our Easter Pre-Reflection on Friday Morning. 


We would like to wish all our Foundation and Grade 1 families a happy and safe break, and we hope you have a wonderful Easter with your families and loved ones. We are looking forward to catching up with you all again at the beginning of Term 2! 


Miss Vescio and Miss Rodda