John XXIII Netball Club



Primary Teams will be issued this weekend. Training days will be organised by your coaches. Some teams are still looking for a team manager. If you are interested or would like more information please contact Kelly or Aizhan.

Game commence

Games for Primary commence on Friday 6 and Saturday 7 May.


Jewellery Is not permitted on court. It must be removed and may not be taped. 

Players will be asked to leave the court and remove all jewellery. 



If your child is sick or in isolation please let your coach or the Club know as soon as possible.


Coaches put a lot of effort into training and devise drills for the number of players they have. It is disruptive when there are a lot of last minute absences. Although we do understand that in these COVID times that it does happen.


If a player is absent from training and we have not been advised we will be in touch.

Games commence

Games for secondary students will commence on Saturday 30 April.

Please let your coach know urgently if you are going to miss a game for any reason.

If you know in advance that a player will be absent for a College event such as Magis events, Music Camp, Rowing etc for planning purposes please let us know as soon as possible.


Jewellery Is not permitted on court. It must be removed and may not be taped. 

Players will be asked to leave the court and remove all jewellery. 


There will be a meeting for all John XXIII College umpires on Thursday 28 April from 5pm – 6pm at the JTC courts.


PNA has a range of umpire courses and clinics over the next few weeks for both new and current umpires.


Can all umpires please update their Rules of Netball Theory exam:

Team Managers

We are now looking for Managers for each team. If you are interested or would like more information please contact Sonja or Sally. Please include your players full name, year group and team name.


Years 7 – 9

Cheryl Hughes:


Years 10 - 12 

Sonja Cavallaro:


If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email us at


Have a great weekend.


Milissa Jagers

John XXIII College Netball Club Coordinator