From the Principal

The way of the cross

As the period of Lent progresses our students and staff have the opportunity to reflect and pray as we move towards Easter. Our College Liturgist, Ms Mary-Anne Lumley and Director of Faith and Mission, Ms Janeen Murphy have produced superb materials to focus on the ‘Way of the Cross’. The College has also positioned crosses around the campus to enable a ‘walking journey’ to contemplate our readings and prayers.


Christians believe that death did not have the last word for Christ and that through the Resurrection of Christ, life overcomes death, hope overcomes fear, and love overcomes hate.


The Way of the Cross has evolved over time and the emphasis since Pope John XXIII’s Vatican II is placed on the ‘Paschal Mystery’ – the life, death, resurrection, ascension and future return of Christ. The Stations are less of a historical journey and more a focus on the mystery of the passion, death and resurrection. 


Our current Building Program has created an opportunity to reflect on our places of worship, prayer and contemplation including moving the Labyrinth which was previously placed in the grassed area and is now the A Block car park.


As the world manages the current global challenges, our ‘Easter message’ of joy and hope is even more relevant. It has been pleasing to learn of a gradual easing of restrictions in Western Australia as we learn to live with COVID. 


Robert Henderson
