Wellbeing Report 

Andre Campbell

Wellbeing Update 

In the mornings many parents are hunting down lost jumpers and it helps staff if clothing is clearly labelled for a swift return.  Staff place lost property in the alcove near the staffroom and parents are most welcome to seek out lost items. Remember, Lily, Jeanette our school chaplain and myself can help out with spare uniform.  For students wearing a different pair of shoes due to their shoes being wet, this is fine and parents do not need to lodge an out of uniform pass on COMPASS. 


Across the week we have a number of opportunities for students to feel supported with their friendships whether it’s during break times out in the yard/electives or speaking to our welfare team.  If you have any questions or are looking for tips please speak to staff.  We really hope your children come home from school happy to talk and share their day with you. 

How Much Sleep Do Children Need? 

Babies: at least 15 hours sleep and up to 20 when they are very young.

Toddlers & Pre-schoolers (1 - 5): about 12 to 14 hours sleep.

Primary School: about 10 to 12 hours sleep.

High School: at least 8 hours but up to 10 hours sleep.



Many children regularly complain when they come to school that they are tired, couldn’t get to sleep or they had a late night.  This impact on their ability to tune in and retain their learning and can affect their relationships and problem solving skills.    As adults we understand how we are affected when we are over tired and I would like to encourage parents to actively have reasonable expectations about bedtime routines. 


It is not unusual for children to have night-time worries, which can prevent them from getting to sleep easily.  Whatever the cause of the bedtime problems, it is important that families adopt (and stick to) clear rules about a bedtime routine. It's important to discuss and agree on a sleep strategy for your child with your partner beforehand and work together as a team to carry it out consistently. 


If you are starting a new sleep routine for your child, make them a part of the team by explaining the new plan to them if they are old enough to understand.  For a young child, try using a picture chart to help your child learn the new routine, showing actions like changing clothes, brushing their teeth and reading a book.


Praising your child and reinforcing good behaviour will also help to improve bedtime problems.  There are a number of strategies that can help them overcome their night-time worries. There are many APP’s available for parents to download such as Smiling Minds, Calm and Head Space.


Head lice Update

This year parents have been doing an excellent job monitoring and treating their children for head lice. This week head lice have been found on a student in the junior school. All families need to continue to be vigilant and screen their children’s hair.  Please notify the office or tell your child’s teacher when you treat your child so lice alert notifications can be lodged on COMPASS. Reminder-any child found with live lice will be excluded from school until they are treated. 

Breakfast Club-Mon & Tues 8:15am

Breakfast Club is now up and running every Monday and Tuesday. This week we had our first Breakfast Club and it was fantastic to have our parents and students back in the German room.  Jeanette, our new school chaplain works on Mondays and Tuesdays and she loved meeting the students.  This term Food Bank are offering additional deliveries and we are planning more opportunities to increase healthy food education.  We have apples, oranges, pears and carrots in the canteen fridge and the classrooms are encouraged to fill up their bowls as needed. 


Next Tuesday there will be disruptions due to Before School Care using the Art room.  Breakfast Club will be opening the canteen window for hot toast and little milks (tetra packs).  We can cater for food allergies including lactose and gluten free items. 


Sandy is cleaning out more space for the Breakfast Club to stock more food items.  We are planning to offer a community pantry to our families to come and pick up food to supplement their budget.  

Playgroup at Woori Yallock Community House

For parents interested in joining playgroup our local Woori Yallock Community House is running a program on Monday mornings from 10am-11:30am.  There is an eligibility criteria so parents need to register at-Yarra Ranges Supported Playgroups Ph: 1300 368 333


2022 Free Happy Families Membership

This week, Justin Coulson’s Happy Families flyers have gone home with students. As of today, the school has 16 sign ups for the Happy Families School Membership versus 94 before the switch over to the new platform.   Parents who registered last year are presuming their membership is active however, it is not.  Everyone needs to re-join using the QR code on the flyer.


Here is a link to a:   quick tip video from Dr Justin Coulson around managing anxiety - the strategy Justin mentions can be used for your kids as well as for yourself.


If you found this tip useful and would like to see more of Justin's parenting tips and strategies, don't forget that our school is subscribed to Dr Justin Coulson's Happy Families School Membership. 


The membership offers monthly live webinars and Q&A sessions with Justin, online programs, weekly inspirational emails and blogs around parenting support, positive psychology methodologies to support children and get them to thrive, tips on managing kids and tech, getting them to get along with their siblings, raising resilience and many more.  


If you are yet to sign up, please do so here (note that if you were signed up prior to October, you need to sign up again as the platform has changed). 

Craft Club at Lunchtimes 

1:40pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Outside the Welfare Office in 3/4 area


Students can find us where we will be teaching

pom pom making, plaiting friendship bracelets, weaving cat’s eyes, pipe cleaner craft, finger and French knitting. We are looking for donations of wool and other haberdashery items including ribbon, embellishments, buttons and charms or anything that can add a bit of bling to our projects.  All extra pairs of hands are welcome, if you are interested in helping please let me know. 

Playtime-Playing Fairly  

Fair players get to play more games.  A person who plays fairly and gets on with the game allows others to enjoy the game. If they enjoy the game, they’ll want to play with that person again.  People who play fairly get a reputation as good people to be around.  People who don’t play fairly are not chosen as people to play games with.



  • Do comment on the other players’ good moves.
  • Remember to wait your turn.
  • Get started and pay attention.
  • Have your go reasonably quickly when it’s your turn.
  • Play by the rules.
  • If you go out or get caught, just accept it

Health update 

For some people getting over their mild COVID-19 symptoms, they may experience lingering fatigue, breathlessness and generally not feeling 100%.  I encourage parents to check in with their children and talk through any health complaints or worries. 

Infectious Diseases  

To help prevent and control the transmission of infectious diseases in schools, a child must be excluded from school if he or she has any of the following:

  • Gastro/Diarrhoea - until there has not been a loose bowel motion or any symptoms for 48 hours
  • Chicken Pox - until fully recovered and blisters have dried
  • Measles - at least 7 days
  • German Measles - until fully recovered and at least 4 days from the onset of rash
  • Whooping Cough - four weeks
  • Hand, foot and mouth - until all blisters have dried
  • Hepatitis - medical certificate needed
  • Impetigo “School Sores” - until treatment has commenced and sores are healed
  • Ringworm - until treatment has commenced. Medical certificate may be required.
  • Mumps - until fully recovered
  • Scabies - medical certificate needed

Importantly, children who have been vomiting should not attend school until 48 hours after the vomiting ceases.


While these are some common diseases, please refer to the Better Health School Excursion Table* for a comprehensive list and updated information. Please contact the office if your child contracts any of these. Please refer to the Department of Health for further information-https://www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/infectious-diseases/school-exclusion/school-exclusion-table

Oonah COVID-19 Children’s Vaccinations 

Oonah have organised dates for the Vaccination bus to visit where they will offer free COVID-19 vaccinations to children. For Koorie families looking to make a booking please call Oonah on 5962 2940.

Oonah Playgroup 

This term Oonah have started playgroup over at the Healesville Community Link (library). Playgroup will run on Thursdays from 11am-12pm.  If you are interested in meeting other families with young children please give Emily a call to register on 5962 2940.