Mobile Phone Recycling Drive

Hi CHPS families,
Our school has decided to take part in the Mobile Muster school's challenge. The challenge is designed to encourage students, teachers and families as well as the extended school community to recycle old and unwanted mobile phones and their accessories between March and the end of June.
Why are we participating?
1. To help raise money to protect critically endangered primates, animals which are heavily affected by the mining of metals which are used in mobile phones. Money raised in the mobile muster program goes towards Zoo and conservation programs.
2. To help the environment. Recycling mobile phones reuses resources such as glass, metal and plastic to avoid future greenhouse gas, save energy and natural resources.
3. To win amazing prizes for our school including class excursions, family passes and special animal encounters at the zoo.
What we are asking you to do:
Bring in your old phones (please check with family members first before doing so). Make sure to look in drawers, cupboards, under the bed and ask family and friends if they have anything to donate. Accessories such as phone charges, headphones and even tablets/iPads can be recycled.
A collection bin will be placed outside the office until the end of June.
There are an estimated 23 million unused mobile phones across Australia. Let's help mobile muster to reduce that number by donating what you can. Phones will be recycled into new phones which will help to save the lives of innocent endangered primates. The top three collecting schools in each state could win up to an $1000 gift voucher so let's start collecting CHPS!
Save the planet! Save the people! Save the primates!
Environment Captains over and out.
(Violet Round & Alex Fernandes)