Community Group 

Community Group News

On Tuesday we combined our Community Group Meeting with the School Advisory Committee.  It was great to sit around and discuss how we as a school community can help grow the school together from a strategic and social way. 


The community group is looking at ways to engage with more families and get parents involved.  If you are interested in helping out with things please let us know


School Events

The school community needs a few helpers for the following:-

  • Wednesday 23rd November – 2023 Foundation Morning Tea for new parents 11:15 am
  • Thursday 8th December – 2023 Foundation Meet and Greet helpers 6:00 pm
  • Wednesday 14th December – End of Term/School Year Disco.  Parent helpers to assist with treats for students.

If you can assist please email us at



Thanks to Tammy and her team we had another successful Bunnings BBQ.  Our profit will be close to $1,800 which is great to go towards more things for the students and the school.


Secondhand Uniforms

Michelle has been running the Secondhand Uniform shop a few time over the past few weeks.  Please keep an eye out for this as it is a good way to pick up a bargain and get uniform items that are in good nick.