Deputy Principal Update

Dear Families,


Welcome to another newsletter – I hope the past two weeks have been relatively smooth for families as we move closer towards the end of the school year. We continue to keep those affected by the floods in our thoughts and prayers at this time. Please reach out to support agencies if needed.


Book Fair:

Just an update from the recent Book Fair. As a school we have earned close to $1300.00 in reward points from Scholastics to purchase new resources and reading material for our school. These points have come from the Book Fair as well as from Book Club over the year. Mrs Keenan has set up a suggestion box in the library for the children to submit their recommendations for popular books they’d like to see more of here at school. Thank you again everyone for your support of this.



New books:

I have recently purchased some new take-home reading books for the school across all classroom levels. Some of the money used to purchase these books came from the Community Group. On behalf of all the children, I’d like to thank the Community Group for their support of this and I know the children are already enjoying taking the new books home to read. 


Fire Carriers – Remembrance Day Ceremony RSL: 

On Friday, 11th November, three Senior Leaders – who have the role of Fire Carriers - represented our school at the Remembrance Day ceremony at the RSL. Lilly Heggart, Brodie Payne and Samantha Nardella participated in the ceremony by laying a wreath on behalf of our school. Thank you to our school leaders for being such great representatives of our school.


Remembrance Day Badges:

Next week, Senior Leaders will be selling some Remembrance Day poppies at school. If children would like to purchase one, they can be bought at school. The cost is $2.00. All money raised goes to the RSL Poppy Appeal.


Term Four – Hats to Be Worn:

Thank you and well done to all the children for their responsibility in wearing hats during outside times. With the warmer weather finally arriving, it is important that the children have their hat with them at school and that it is clearly named. 


Zooper Doopers:  

The change to how Zooper Doopers are sold at school is working well. 

Zooper Doopers are 50c each, with a maximum of two allowed to be bought. We are encouraging children to purchase for themselves and/or siblings but not to be buying for friends. This week some donated zooper doopers arrived at school from Bega (we are not sure if it is the company or township). We thank them for this. 

Zooper Dooper days are Tuesday and Friday. 


ICAS Certificates:

I have just received notification that the ICAS – Mathematics certificates have been dispatched and should arrive soon at school. I will be presenting these at our next assembly, Friday 18th November to those children who participated in this. 


Prayer of Peace:

(For Remembrance Day)


Lord Jesus,

Peace I leave with you,

My peace I give to you.

Help us to be peacemakers in our world today.



A Prayer for our Families:

I’d like to finish with a prayer of blessing for all our families.


God be with our family,

From the youngest to the oldest,

Lighting up our relationships,

Giving hope to our troubles.

God be with our family,

Weaving love into our work, 

Our rest and our play.



I hope everyone has a great fortnight ahead.

Kind regards.

Tony Mc.