
Caritas Just Leadership Day 2022

Today eight Year Five students represented St Luke’s at the Year Five Caritas Just Leadership Day held at St Mary’s in Mooroopna. This was a wonderful opportunity for the children to continue to develop their leadership skills. It also provided children with a deeper understanding of how they can continue to live out Jesus' mission within their own lives and how they can model to the wider community of St Luke’s.


In order to attend this day the Year Five children wrote a letter of application. These applications were extremely well written and left a panel of teachers with a very difficult decision of who to attend. All children who wrote an application should be extremely proud and I can't wait to watch all our Year Five children lead the community of St Luke’s next year. 


Thank you to Mrs. Thompson who attended this day with the children and for her support and encouragement throughout the Year Five leadership classes. 


This Week’s Character Virtue: Perseverance 

Perseverance is choosing to keep going even when things get tough and you want to give up. People who persevere see the big picture, like a bird’s eye view, and focus on what needs to be done today. They never give up, even when they are feeling discouraged because they are patient and place their trust in God. By practising this virtue, you will become happier and more self-controlled in the long run. 

When was a time you showed perseverance? 


Prayer for Remembrance Day 

Today our Senior Community led the school in a prayer service and a minute of silence. This was a lovely opportunity for us to gather as a community to pay respect to all those who have served, and continue to serve in our armed forces, by offering our prayers and thoughts.