Classroom & Curriculum News


In the Prep classroom we have been learning about money. We have been learning about the Australian currency and its value. The students used this learning when buying things from the Prep D shop using play money to purchase different items and identifying the change that they received.


Stephanie Alexander Garden Program

Year 5/6 Poetry

Over the last couple of weeks, the Year 5/6 students have been composing poems using a variety of figurative language.  Below are some of the poems that have been written by the students. 

Road Trip - 5/6 MK

As the lightning struck it was like a lion roared out of the sky.

The thunder laughed at me as I ran to my car.



           Drip, the rain drizzled down on my dirty vehicle.

There were infinite stars in the night sky.

It was like a thrill ride as I drove down

the dark, gloomy road.

It felt like I was driving forever.

A big, beautiful shining star came from the sky 

It was called the sun. 

My car cried for food as it came to a stop.

Ballet - Eilish 5/6 MK

She is as graceful as a swan.

She twirled like a merry go round.

Her costume was like a disco ball shining in the light.

She jumped like a spring on a trampoline .

She jumped and twirled and landed like a graceful bird.

When the music stopped, the crowd cheered like a bomb exploding.

Roses were thrown like a tsunami.

She floated off stage like a feather.

Rocket - Jordan 5/6 MK

As big as a elephant,

and taller than a giraffe.

Stronger than a plane,

yet lighter than a star.


It sends people into orbit,

while us humans watch them fly away.

It can be stressful yet exciting,

 and sad yet happy.

Being scared for the worst,

yet hoping for the best.


Looking at earth,

as one big hole,

hoping soon,

that you can return to what you call home.


Watching the sunset,

 while waiting for the day

that you can see,

Your loved one that went to space. 


The 4 Seasons - Treowe 5/6 MK

The cycle continues

It is like being in a very hot oven

Somedays even worse

I jump in the freezer everyday

The sun is cooking us alive


It is Summer.

Summer is now done

The leaves move side to side in the wind

The leaves change 

It is as windy as a billion fans

It is now Autumn.


Autumn is now done 

It is as cold as 100,000 freezers

I freeze up every time I go outside

I have 100 layers on

The trees are white

It is now Winter. 

Winter is now done


The trees blossom like fireworks

I sneeze a million times a day

The flowers dance under the sunlight

It is now Spring.


Spring is done

The cycle continues…

Sun the Samurai- Leo 5/6B

In the clear sky, the sun shines.

In space, the sun is a brave warrior, protecting us from the evil, brain freezing cold.

In the cloudy skies, the sun glares through the clouds.

The sun never feels negative, only happy and bright.

The sun throws its heat at the agonizingly, murderous cold.

The sun is like a God, watching over us and caring.



The Fox- Scarlett 5/6B

Patter Patter the fox would begin to wake,

Patter Patter the moon would rise.

Patter Patter when the fox would arrive no chickens would be left alive.

Patter Patter the fox would stalk,

Patter Patter the hawk would squawk.

BANG! BOOM! The lighting hit which lit the forest alight

CRACKLE! BAM! He had to run but where to go? The forest? No!

WOOSH! SLAM! So into the farmhouse he slowly did slink with the farmer inside deep in his sleep. Patter Patter the rain sounded whirled on the tin roof as he slowly drifted into a quiet sleep the orange and reds swirled in the window with a finally creep he fell into sleep to see what the next day would hold for his little fox hole…


Autumn- Finn 5/6B

I am not warm but I am not cold

I am not bright but I am not dark

Many people love me but some do not.

Everybody knows me due to my radiant orange, do they not?

All describe me in their own way, some might say the pumpkins will rot.

Know  me now, Know me then, Each year I come

Depending where you are I may bring a Turkey or a Hen

I am Autumn.


Flowers Flowers- Amity 5/6B

Flowers flowers danced in the rain.

Flowers flowers sing when the sun shines.

Flowers flowers get very up-set covered in leaves.

Flowers flowers do you have  a superpower?

Flower flowers are joyful when it is spring.

Flowers here flowers there flowers everywhere.

Flowers flowers blooming flowers gloom.

Flowers flowers froze the rose with bows.

Flowers flowers love when the seasons change again, because they bloom again.