Senior School Report

Senior School Examinations Year 11 & 10
Year 11 Exams, Semester 2, 2022
Dear parents, guardians, and students, Year 11 Exams will run from Friday 11 November to Friday 18th November inclusive and all students are required at school each day*. Each year 11 VCE student has their own exam program, so at any time on the Exam Timetable each student will be expected to be either undertaking one of the following activities:
- Examination
- or
- Private revision and study for the next exam.
The only exception will be Year 11 students who have completed all Exams and completed all outstanding work who are therefore eligible to be signed out with parental/guardian approval on exams days 5 & 6 Thursday 17th and Friday 18th November. I urge all parents and guardian to support us by ensuring you do not approve student to leave the school early during the Examinations.
The school will run the year 11 examinations based on the Victorian Curriculum & Assessment Authorities (VCAA) rules to ensure the students are ready for the external exams VCAA will conduct in 2023.
Year 10 Exams
Year 10 Exams will run from Friday 25 November to Tuesday 29th November inclusive and all students are required at school each day. Year 10 students all follow a common Exam Timetable (see attached a student friendly version) each student will be expected to be either undertaking one of the following activities:
- Examination
- or
- engaged in private revision and study for the next exam.
The first exams, English and Math will commence on Friday 25 November with all year 10 students sitting this exam. All exams will run during a double session and be 80 minutes in duration, inclusive of 5 minutes reading time inside the normal school hours. The school will run the year 10 examinations based on the Victorian Curriculum & Assessment Authorities (VCAA) rules to ensure the students are ready for the external exams VCAA will conduct for the final year 12 exams in 2024.
Purpose of Exams
The exams are designed to allow students the opportunity to demonstrate their skills and understanding of core subjects for each of the semester 2 subjects. Students are currently completing and submitting their final Common Assessment Task (CATs) work in many of their subjects which will be featured on their Semester Reports. These exam results will be used in conjunction with reports, to assist with any final course counselling required to ensure successful transition to the appropriate course and career pathways in year 11 studies in 2023. Remember if you are considering the VCE pathway in year 11/12, exams are compulsory and contribute around 50% of your final score.
Exam Expectations years 10 & 11
- Students can only enter the examinations in full school uniform
- All students are expected to remain in the exam for the full duration
- Students cannot bring into the examination any non-approved electronic devices into the exam such as smart watches, phones, ear buds etc. these must be secured in student lockers or left at home
- Student found with an unapproved device may receive a score of 0 for the exam
- Approved items may include calculators for exams such as mathematics. Subject teachers will inform student of the approved resources and devices.
- Student may only bring into exams a clear water bottle with no labels
- Student may only bring into exams pens, pencils etc. in clear plastic sleeve or bound with rubber band
- Students arriving more than 15 minutes late to an exam will be unable to enter the exam
- There will be limited opportunities to complete a catch up exam
Remember: if you are considering the VCE pathway in year 12, exams are compulsory and contribute around 50% of your final score.
After School Exam & Study Preparation sessions
The college is offering a range of opportunities for students to attend study and exam preparation sessions over the coming weeks to support Senior School students to prepare for the upcoming year 11 and 10 Exams.
Year 12 Surf & Study Camp 2023
We are excited to announce the launch of the Year 12, Surf & Study Camp in 2023. The camp will focus on supporting our student with the academic and interpersonal rigours they will encounter as they work towards completing their year 12 VCE successfully. The Surf & Study Camp will develop essential skills and knowledge regarding how to prepare for the year 12 exams, using team building activities focused on developing personal resilience through the theme of Surf & Surf safety. The camp will involve workshops to build their teamwork whilst building and developing their own leadership capacity and specific exam preparation techniques to enable them to achieve their aspirations. The Camp is Compulsory and Free of Charge for all student who are undertaking VCE subject with VCAA exams in November. We urge all families to support this important initiative and complete the consent form available now via Compass as places are limited.
Year 12 Jackets
We are delighted to announce that our first cohort of year 12 students will have the opportunity to have customised and distinct year 12 jackets. Please see the photo of the students modelling year 12 sample jackets (the final jackets will be in the school colours).
To order your jacket please follow the link below:
Link to order form
Step Up programs Years 10 into 11 & Year 11 into year 12
The Step Up program is a compulsory, period of time in 2022 when the students will start their 2023 studies in VCE or VCE - VM. The purpose of the Step Up program is to give the students the required information and skills to make a successful transition back to school after the summer break in 2023.
Some of the key features of the Step Up program is:
- Students will experience multiple lessons learning content and skills that is part of their 2023 program.
- Get key information regarding the structure of the subject
- Get key information regarding resources (textbooks, books, stationary etc.) required for 2023.
- If studying the VCE course (Not VCE-VM), students will receive course work that will be required to be completed over the summer break.
The step up dates are:
Year 10 into Year 11- Tuesday 29th November - Friday 2nd December.
Year 11 into Year 12 - Mon 21st November - Friday 25th November.
Early access to English Novels for years 11 to 12
The final years of studies at years 11 & 12 VCE is a challenging year, so we have organised for our VCE students to have Early Access to purchase their essential English Novels, Early so that students can start reading these novels over the summer break.
I urge all families and carers to support our students by ensuring you take advantage of this opportunity to purchase the hard copy novels now, to support your child's successful start towards completion of VCE in 2023. In order to get the English Novels below early:
VCE Year 12, 2023
- P02967 Longest Memory, The (P/B) [Fred D'Aguiar] $22.99
- P30551 We Have Always Lived In The Castle [Shirley Jackson] $22.99
- P09079 7 Stages of Grieving, The (Play) (25th Anniv Ed) [Enoch & Mailman] $25.95
VCE Year 11, 2023
- P00024 Like a House on Fire [Cate Kennedy] $29.99
- P07797 Thing Around Your Neck The [Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie] $22.99
You must place your order before Sunday 13th November and this will ensure the English Novels will be delivered to the school Campus by 21st November for collection.
If you are unable to place the order by this date please order as part main booklist or purchase the novels directly from preferred bookshop to enable students to have access to the novels during the summer break.
Highly successful Year 10 Formal
On October 21st, our Year 10 students celebrated their Year 10 Formal in style. Our students swapped their school uniforms for beautiful dresses and dashing suits and several pairs of sunglasses. It was fantastic to see our Year 10s arrive with their proud parents and families and as groups in limos and hummers. The DJ kept the energy high with students and teachers dancing through dessert, till the very end of the night.
Congratulations and well done to the students who worked with Year 10 Coordinator Sam Ritter, to organise the night. The leadership and organisational skills you all demonstrated were fantastic to see.
Leadership Workshops - Centre for Multicultural Youth
Across term 3 and term 4, all of our year 11 students have had the opportunity to participate in collaborative workshops to develop their leadership and interpersonal skills. Students discussed life at school, their values and developed a greater appreciation for the similarities and differences across individuals and groups across our college community. Students have given positive feedback about the program and it is something we will look to expand in 2023.
Textiles class visit to Edgars Creek Primary School
On Friday, 4th November, the Year 10 Textiles selective went over to Edgars Creek Primary School to co design their unique ‘Pig the Pug’. Year 10’s will now bring their drawings to life in a soft toy that will be kept in the Edgars Creek Primary School Library as 'reading buddies'.
Well done to all students in the textiles selective that showed all of our College Values and made us proud!
VCAL Project Highlights
Our Year 11 VCAL classes have been busily completing their final complex projects for the year. In the Personal Development Skills classes, students had to work in a team to raise awareness about an issue that impacts the community. Our students have used their voices to write to Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese about Climate Change, create a podcast about youth suicide, create a strategy to reduce dependency of students on mobile phones and use social media to educate youths about gang violence.
In Work Related Skills classes, students have just completed the $20 Boss project where the college lent the students $20 to start their own small business. Students had to create a business and a product which would allow them to earn back their $20 plus at least one extra dollar. Some of these projects included cooked lunches included HSPs and pizza, a tea stall, stress ball products made and sold and a car wash. Our WRS teachers, Anthony Weare and Liam Ward, supported our students to during and outside of class time to make sure their projects were successful.