Middle School Report

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”


Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!


I thought that I would start off the Middle School Report with one of my favourite quotes on learning for Dr. Seuss. It highlights two areas that we want our middle school students to continue throughout the year. It is about the the importance of continuing to read to improve literacy and how critical it is to be at ECSC every day with the purpose of improving learning. 


We have had a great start to Term Four with many events that have been planned by the sub-school leaders and teaching and learning team. I encourage all students to take every opportunity they are afforded this term and end the year off strongly in preparation for 2023.


Phil Adams

Middle School Assistant Principal


Yr 7

Thank you to all the parents and carers who continue to support their children during the final school term.


It has been a long time since we have had to be on site for a full school year and we are continually impressed with the students in year 7 ability to wear the correct uniform, arrive to class on time and engage in learning. 


The year 7 students have enjoyed a range of learning experiences as well as clubs and extracurricular activities on offer including the debating competition which was won by  Sara, Vy, Saakhi and Khadejeh of 7J.  Agamjot, Ayana and Thayshya  from 7C were runners up and the feedback we received was that it was a well fought debate which left the judges impressed with the students ability to show the school values of ‘Look to Inspire’ and ‘Respect All’. The participants enjoyed the prize of a KFC feast. 

This term we have started a year 7 basketball competition which is running on Wednesdays and the cheering from the sidelines has been encouraging to the teams playing. 

We need to acknowledge the attendance of a few year 7 students, in particular Thomas Bondor (7A) who has 100% attendance for the whole year. Attendance is a crucial part of a successful education and building positive relationships at school. 

Students have been making the most of the token trade-ins and spending their tokens for showing the school values on frozen cokes, cooking brownies at lunch, watching movies, booking the gym for lunchtimes and accessing the learning community at lunch.  

Keep up the great work! 

Rachael & Michael

Yr 7 Leaders. 




Year 8


Firstly, thank you for the continuous support of the year 8 parents this term. It has been great collaborating with you all to ensure the students’ success.

This term our focus has been on our school value of, ‘Respect All’. We have also been building a strong culture around Uniform and Attendance. Throughout the term we have had multiple assemblies where students have been given strategies to use both in and out of the classroom to show our school value of Respect All, which we have seen students improve in their interactions. 


We have continued to run our Uniform Homegroup competition and have introduced an Attendance Homegroup competition. The homegroups have been competing against each other on who has the correct uniform daily and who has had the most students attending homegroup every morning, this is done by their home group teachers keeping a tally. This has taught the students the benefit of teamwork, communication and trust building with each other. The winners will receive a whole homegroup reward chosen by them such as; movie of their choice in the theatre; slurpees; pizza lunch etc. 

We have had a couple of winners for week 5: 8J and 8B were our winners for the Attendance competition and 8B were our homegroup winners for our Uniform competition. These classes will be receiving a reward that they will come up with as a class. A big congratulations to the homegroups and we can’t wait to see more homegroups jump onboard and compete to win. 


It has been great to see the students supporting each other to wear the correct uniform and get to homegroup on time! We will continue to ensure that students are aware of what uniform they are expected to wear and we will continue to reward all students. 

The year 8’s have been participating in a basketball competition that students have been enjoying. It has been great to see the year 8’s support each other when competing and the atmosphere has been incredible. All students have been respectful and are enjoying being in the gym and being able to be a part of a cohort event. 


Jasmine Almatrah & Tamara Youkhanis

Yr 8 Leaders



Year 9


This term the excitement has been building within the Year 9 cohort about the Home Group City Experience! The day has started by meeting at Epping Train Station to head into the city. Students then make their way to Hardrock Climbing. We have been so impressed with the students working together to support each other in attempting the walls. Many of the students have been able to face their uncertainty of heights and made it to the top of the wall! The sense of achievement from the students has been a highlight of the excursions!


After rock climbing, the student had the opportunity to have lunch with their friends in Melbourne Central before heading to Strike Bowling. There have been lots of laughs and smiles around the bowling lanes! A few strikes and spares, and lots of clapping and cheering! The most popular activity has been the laser tag! Students got the opportunity to get themselves into teams and challenge each other to get the highest points! And there was not better way to end the day then with an ice cream!


A big shout out to the students that have attended the excursion! You have all represented the College in a positive and respectful manner! It has been great to see the encouragement and support students have shown each other when rock climbing and bowling. The students have really embraced the activities put in front of them and had a lot of fun with their peers in home group!