Health & wellbeing news

School Values

Lynall Hall Community School’s values are Learning, Opportunity, Respect and Safety. We are always learning. We create opportunity. We respect everyone. We maintain safety.

Our values are encouraged through the application of School Wide Positive Behaviour Support. We apply Restorative Practice to sustain healthy relationships. We actively promote an inclusive environment as a partner school in the DET Respectful Relationships program and a Safe School. We believe all our students, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, will be safe and supported.


As a Child Safe school we are committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people, and take seriously our responsibility to report suspected child abuse.

Safe Schools 

Last week, our new Youth Worker, Seána, presented to the students and staff at Coburg on LGBTQIA+ anti-discrimination. The session debunked some of the myths around the community, explored some of the facts and definitions and encouraged reflection on how we as individuals and as a school can be more aware and be good allies to the LGBTQIA+ community. 


Body Kind

On Thursday this week, our Secondary School Nurse, Tess, presented to the students at Coburg about body confidence and the effects of social media. If you or someone you know are struggling with body image, talking about it with a trusted adult or health professional can help. There are resources available on the Butterfly Foundation website here: Have a look at this flyer for tips on how to be body kind.

Free Upcoming Webinar for Parents & Families- Taming Teen Anxiety

Join Relationships Australia and Communities that Care for this upcoming free webinar to unpack what’s happening in your child’s brain when they’re dealing with stress and anxiety. You will take away practical ways to support your child and build their skills to manage their worries… big and small. IDEAL FOR: Parents/carers of teens and pre-teens who live or attend a school in the City of Yarra.


When: 7:15-8:30 PM on 29th of November

Cost: FREE, bookings required

RegisterWebinar Registration - Zoom

Wellbeing Team: 2023 Planning Day & Professional Development

Recently the wellbeing team met at the Richmond campus to start planning for wellbeing programs, events, and health promotion awareness days for 2023. We also participated in some staff wellbeing activities and team building exercises (pictured). Congratulations on the winners of the paper tower competition- Bek, Gen, Jack, and… wait…. Mike, you weren’t in that team!? We are looking forward to sharing our plans for 2023 with the school community soon!

Wellbeing Support: Out of School Hours

With some students having finished or about to finish for 2022, it is a good time to remind you of the wellbeing supports available over the holidays and outside of school hours. For more information, see below:

Support Outside School Hours




Kids Helpline1800 55 1800
E- Headspace1800 650 890
Lifeline13 11 14
Beyond Blue1300 22 4636
Online ForumsReach Out
Beyond Blue
Support CentresHeadspaceFind your local centre online
Yarra Youth Services9426 1455
YSAS(Youth Support & Advocacy Support)Find your local centre online
Parents & CarersParentline1300 30 1300
General PractitionerFind your local GP