Teaching & Learning news

2023 Curriculum Planning
Recently, staff participated in a series of planning days and sessions to prepare curriculum for 2023. Part of this important work has been to prepare the school for the reforms to the senior secondary curriculum and the the transition from the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) to the VCE Vocational Major (VM). Additionally, a number of the VCE subjects have recently undergone review and revision and teachers of these subjects have needed to plan for these changes.
Curriculum development for our years 7 to 10 classes at Richmond is also underway. With new students joining us in 2023, class groupings will change somewhat and programs and resources are being developed in response.
Staff from our student support and resources (student wellbeing) team have also been analysing student engagement and wellbeing data and reviewing current programs in preparation for strengthening the work that we do with young people.
WILD Adventure camp (Lake Eildon)
Earlier in the year, students and staff participated in an adventure camp facilitated by the WILD organisation.