Assistant Principal (Learning)

Resource Lists
Resource lists for students in all year levels in 2023 have now been emailed to parents. Orders must be completed online at using ' 2HH2 ' as the access code and be prepaid by credit card to Campion. Hard-copy resources and stationery items ordered will be delivered to your home.
Additional copies of the booklists for all year levels can be found at:
All digital resources listed on the booklists can only be ordered via Campion. Any students who do not have these resources supplied by Campion will have the items charged to their school fees, with an additional processing fee of $5 per item.
Orders for students commencing in Prep to Year 10 in 2023 are due by 16 December for delivery in time for the start of Term 1. Any orders placed after the due date will still be processed by Campion, but delivery may be delayed.
End of Semester Reports
Parents of students from Prep to Year 11 will be issued an end of semester report at 4pm on Friday 9 December, which can be accessed via the Parent Portal link in My Aitken. The report is intended as a summary of student achievement in all subjects throughout Semester Two. Further details about individual assessment tasks, including assessment criteria and comments about the progress a student is making and areas for further improvement, can be found on My Aitken in the “Marks and Feedback” section for each of your children.
Please make sure that you can access My Aitken using your parent login details, in preparation for the publication of the reports. Any queries about your login credentials should be emailed to
iPad/Macbook Onboarding for 2023
Students with new ICT devices (iPads and Macbooks) for 2023 will need to prepare them for use at school during the January holidays. Information about how to remotely prepare devices to connect to the College Wi-Fi, how to install the required security certificates and how to set up email and My Aitken access will be emailed to parents. You will be able to work through the steps in a self-serve process from home. Your child’s Aitken College login details and a link to the set-up website will be sent to you in early January, so please keep an eye out for that information.
Ms Kerri Batch
Assistant Principal (Learning)