Principal's Message

Mrs Josie Crisara
Hume Young Leaders Awards
Three of our students were recently recognised as finalists in the Hume Young Leaders Awards. 2022 College Captain, Lorjel S was recognised in the Young Advocacy Leader Category. Year 8 student, Liana K and Year 6 student, Roman P, were both finalists in the Young Community Change Maker Category.
All were presented their awards by Hume City Mayor, Cr Joseph Haweil.
Fairview Concerts
As the end of year fast approaches, there are many final year activities. The Fairview concerts were a delight. The performing arts are an important mechanism for building confidence and it is great to see every student on the stage. Lots of parents and grandparents were beaming with pride.
Prep & Year 7 2023 Transition
The Prep 2023 transition is continuing and we shared a morning tea with parents this week so that parents had an opportunity to mingle. A Year 7 2023 parent information evening was also held to help support families as children transition from primary to secondary school.
Parents and Friends - Fun Run
The Parents and Friends Association ran a successful Fun Run. It was a great family event and carnival atmosphere. Thank you to the committee for their great organisation.
Tennis State Champions
Congratulations to the Year 8 Girls Tennis team who are now state champions in the sport. This is a great achievement!